APP - The "not all muslims are terrorists" canard blown up


Former Vice President
Whenever there is a terrorist attack committed by adherents of islam (which means to submit), left wingers can't run fast enough to say "This isn't all islam" or "they are perverting islam" or my favorite "are you saying ALL muslims are terrorists".

It seems like an odd argument on its face for a couple of reasons.

First, are left wingers claiming that 100% of muslims must want to do us harm before they will see it as a problem? Is that the metric by which leftists use to dictate action? Second, were all Germans Nazis? Did they all have to be believe in Hitler's beliefs in order for us to declare war? What about Japan?

Of course it is just a rhetorical tool to try to stifle debate and as with all other issues paint their political opponents as "radicals" and of course "islamophobes"

Putting aside the "not all muslims are terrorists" for a second, it is safe to say that a very large number of muslims believe in violence. That is an undeniable fact. We not only see it in action, but we see it in polling.

As of 2011, there were 1.8 million muslim adults in the United States

This poll finds some troubling information

12% of American muslims say suicide bombings or other violence is justified to defend islam against its enemies (if you read the koran not following islam makes you an enemy)

5% of American muslims have a favorable or unfavorable view of Al Queda

Now, these percentages are admittedly small, but when you take them in context of the numbers of muslims and the fact that they are growing faster than other demographics, they should be chilling. This means that 216,000 muslims in America find it acceptable to use violence. Now before people get all crazy about what I just posted, I am not saying that all 216,000 would actually pull a Mateen and I couldn't hazard a guess as to what percentage would. But, if you were ISIS and trying to get into this country would that 216,000 be a target rich environment to push toward your murderous aims?

Whenever liberals try to coerce republicans into moving leftward on things like immigration they always proclaim "demography is destiny". Well, why doesn't the same hold true for muslims? Do liberals really think that if given a chance to become a majority in this country that muslims would not tear down all that liberals hold dear? What objective evidence does any liberal have that it would not happen when you look at every single country in the world where muslims are in power?