The November GOP Platform in Sort Easy to Read Steps


In Yo Face!
-Gut safety net for the elderly and the poor [food stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security etc.]
-Block ANY gun restrictions on sales or ownership
-Deny people health care
-Deny minorities the right to vote
-Enact tax cuts for Billionaires
-Restrict rights of the LGBT community
-Deny/block any discussion/measures to address climate change
-Blame Media/Dems/Minorities when any of the above mentioned policies create problems

Miss anything?
The ones on top of Republican Party are unabashedly after destruction of programs that help the poor . Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and any other supports have to go . They are seeking a plutocracy and trump is accelerating the hunt. They have stated that clearly.
-Gut safety net for the elderly and the poor [food stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security etc.]
-Block ANY gun restrictions on sales or ownership
-Deny people health care
-Deny minorities the right to vote
-Enact tax cuts for Billionaires
-Restrict rights of the LGBT community
-Deny/block any discussion/measures to address climate change
-Blame Media/Dems/Minorities when any of the above mentioned policies create problems

Miss anything?

No. That seems like you've covered it pretty well.
that all you have again? Do you ever make an argument or flesh out a statement? Nope a one liner hit and run about demmycrats or libruls. You are wasting pixels.

I have to agree. Not much of a rebuttal from PostPartumProfit.
that all you have again? Do you ever make an argument or flesh out a statement? Nope a one liner hit and run about demmycrats or libruls. You are wasting pixels.

I don't need an argument to counter lies and ignorance.....if you ever have an argument worth reading I will take the time to tear it apart......seriously, look at this crap...
The ones on top of Republican Party are unabashedly after destruction of programs that help the poor . Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and any other supports have to go . They are seeking a plutocracy and trump is accelerating the hunt. They have stated that clearly.

do I have to flesh it out by saying "but none of that is true" before I call you a liar?.....
I don't need an argument to counter lies and ignorance.....if you ever have an argument worth reading I will take the time to tear it apart......seriously, look at this crap...

do I have to flesh it out by saying "but none of that is true" before I call you a liar?.....

Again and again, your ignorance is shown. You know nothing . that is why you bring nothing. Only Ryan. and here
-Gut safety net for the elderly and the poor [food stamps, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security etc.]
-Block ANY gun restrictions on sales or ownership
-Deny people health care
-Deny minorities the right to vote
-Enact tax cuts for Billionaires
-Restrict rights of the LGBT community
-Deny/block any discussion/measures to address climate change
-Blame Media/Dems/Minorities when any of the above mentioned policies create problems

Miss anything?

you forgot

make Putin giggle like an anime school girl
Oddly, it is their goal. oddly they have been working toward it for a long time. Try and read this one. They have never hidden their desire too end whet they labelled "entitlements". Ever hear of that?

lib'ruls have been floating that lie for decades........every time an increase is less than ten percent the demmycrats shout "CUTS".....despite your angst, reform is not elimination.......