The NRA Myth of Arming the Good Guys

From the article:
But once the raw emotion of Newtown dissipates there will be the danger of slipping back into the same inertia and political stalemate

That's right. Not facts. Not legal precedents. Not Logic nor reason. Emotion. Feelings. That's what the author is suggesting we base our laws on, how they make us FEEL. And why? Because that's all the anti-freedom crowd has. Feelings. No brains.
From the article:

That's right. Not facts. Not legal precedents. Not Logic nor reason. Emotion. Feelings. That's what the author is suggesting we base our laws on, how they make us FEEL. And why? Because that's all the anti-freedom crowd has. Feelings. No brains.

For an intelligent guy you do spout the most appalling BS at times.