The Nuclei of Origin


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Nucleus is the center of an atom, characteristic molecule when in combination create a thermodynamic balance between contracting combinations growing proportionately here as individually displaced and the reactions of erosion and decomposition restricting size and time of individual points displaced perpetually balancing a constant ever changing total sum evolution of events never the same cycle twice.

Evolving is things completed so far, evolution is study of things completed now compared to nothing staying the same again.

Unpredictable self evident results in plain sight unless there is a way to predetermine outcomes forward from here. means, methods, motives, opportunities, hope, faith, charity from those in command of the majority demanding human rights to blame everyone else practicing ideas life isn't perpetually balancing now as biology shows nothing stays the same ever again.

Mayhem, madness, misery framed in every mind dedicated to social consensus nobody knows how life completely evolves into current social conditions.

Time is immovable, results balance into never same results again irresistible force this moment will always be eternity where eternal life only manifests compounding results never same details twice as the universe here in plain sight of the whole moment combined past, current, evolving into here or not anymore.

Adapt or become extinct universal rule easily ignored more than accepted self evident results.

Nuclei of atom,

Nuclei of molecules,

Nuclei of solar systems,

Nuclei of galaxies

Nucleus of eternal separation of kinetic results

Nucleus of evolution

nuclei of cellular evolving.

Nucleus of time results occupy space mutually existing in series parallel displacement.

Nuclei of vocabularies working the same principle.

Line of sight per perception navigating space sharing moment here.

Evolving nucleus of a fertilized cell has in common with a snowflake, never two brains are alike of the ancestors occupying time now.
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