The Oldest Muggers in the West


Atheist Missionary
Two elderly women are being sought by police after a wallet was stolen from a bag that was taken off a train.
British Transport Police (BTP) issued a CCTV picture of the pair of grey-haired women clutching the bag on a platform at Sunderland Railway station.

The bag is believed to belong to a student who was travelling on a Metro train and while it was later recovered there was no sign of the wallet.

Officers have urged anyone who recognise the women to contact them.

:D :D :D
Bloody northerners, they're all theives, might as well just bang them up for two years as soon as they hit 16, save with the trials and the juries and the rest.
In the USA they would have been armed ;)
My mother recently gave me my grandmothers pistol. My grandmother carried it in her apron when on the farm.
Yeah but...

In the USA they would have been armed ;)
My mother recently gave me my grandmothers pistol. My grandmother carried it in her apron when on the farm.

in your G/mas day she carried it for coyotes,snakes and other vermin...never mind today is the same...:D
I carry sometimes....but not often. But not G'mas gun, it is a big western style relvolver. I prefer a compact 9mm.
My grandmother carried the gun in her apron till when she died about 10 years ago. Coyotes have since moved in though, they must have problems putting up with westerners or something, and keep moving east.