The one change that would most benefit our country.

Some kind of broad-based alternative energy bill, that addresses both global warming, and our dependence on ME oil in a realistic way.

Or, single payer universal health care
Energy - a real true, man to the moon type, decade long effort.
but if we had a one subject bill restirction no one could put a gay marriage bill in with the energy bill to kill it.
Pork would dissappear.
I agree with you in theory us but im not sure how much that would end up with congress being super backlogged
I agree with you in theory us but im not sure how much that would end up with congress being super backlogged

that could also be a good thing, perhaps they would only pass laws and such we really needed, instead of making national days and weeks from from junebugs to One armed juggler days.
I agree with you in theory us but im not sure how much that would end up with congress being super backlogged

It's simple. Have it so that congress can vote on bills piece by piece, instead of all or none. The federal government simply couldn't be run with the single subject law as it is in most states. It would definitely need speeding up.
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It's simple. Have it so that congress can vote on bills piece by piece, instead of all or none. The federal government simply couldn't be run with the single subject law as it is in most states. It wouldn't definitely need speeding up.

darn they might actually have to work a 40 hour week :shock:
Some types of bills are, by necessity, multi subject. For instance, a bill that would establish a long term energy policy that includes a focus on development of alternate and renewable energy sources would have to have multiple subjects included.

But I do agree with the principle to the degree I would suggest congress add a requirement to the legislative process that any riders or amendments to a bill must be directly related to the central purpose of a bill.
And your country does ?

Yes. And so do all the states and territories. A bill is proposed by a member and it has to be drafted according to parliamentary rules and that drafting is under the supervision of parliamentary counsel. If something in there isn't directly relevant to the point of the bill then it's not allowed to be included.

I'm still stunned.
I guess you missed my post where bush put in world food aid funding into the Iraq war funding bill ?

It is a tactic in the usa, if you have a bill that you want passed but it is iffy, iclude something about starving children or somesucy in it so you can claim that anyone who votes against it is against helping starving children.