The one thing I would love to do


New member
I would love to take two ***** lovers from ***** York..
And put the business end of a 9mm pistol in both their mouths, pull the trigger with my right hand...and make the guy on the left respect.. by example of what I did to the kike on the right.

Or CFM. Hard to tell those racists apart.

Not for me. That's da smasha!

Wait til he tells you some truth!
CFM was never mental-institution-crazy like cultsmasher. Get real, brah!
I have a theory cultsmasher is this ..guy that was a kid a long time I used to let connect to people who umm..

I had complete control of their computers if I wanted to. I didn't dabble too deep into that, even though my ICQ was one long ring for months after I did what I did.
Not saying I didn't dabble some..and not saying that I didn't let that kid post an upside-down Hitler pic to some black girl in a library somewhere who was researching
Martin Luther King Jr.
He made a punter! ;)
He never did me any harm. I probably let him on an OH once, too. I liked the kid, but not the Nazi tendencies.

Do you know somebody gave me Harris's account the night they did their bad stuff?
There was only like 3 emails and no "smoking gun" there. How disappoint. I'm happier somebody thought enough of me to give me that.
Still, it would have been nice to have found evidence.
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For the sake of good people.

32b arbitration

This isn't a courtroom. This isn't even a courthouse.
Who's this? He's your lawyer that's going to represent you.
HUH WUT! i don't know who this is. I didn't hire the guy.
I'm not from the projects. I have nothing to say to you.
Don't come in the room with me. He was supposedly some
guy that moved here from Romania five years ago and now
works as a lawyer for 32b.

What's he going to do for me? (:

Clerical work ensures that an office runs smoothly and efficiently.
It involves the day-to-day administrative tasks of an office, such as
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I would love to take two ***** lovers from ***** York..
And put the business end of a 9mm pistol in both their mouths, pull the trigger with my right hand...and make the guy on the left respect.. by example of what I did to the kike on the right.


What's stopping you?