Verified User
Yet the online trolls left out the detail of what part of America that is more corrupt than Americans' think? This is considering not all of America is in the sh!thole of corruption as Putin's GOPers and tRump and his filthy illegitimate administration and criminal family too but are real Americans who are committed to the preservation of a civilized society. As such where is there a country on Earth that is void of corruption as in any good answers? This is when there are barbaric societies outside of America decapitating innocent citizens or other methods of destroying the lives of their citizens in order to silence them which goes against the common decency of nature ? These online trolls need to get a real education and reframe from being idiots and petty trouble makers.
The US is a lot more corrupt than Americans realize, and the problem goes much deeper than Trump
The US is a lot more corrupt than Americans realize, and the problem goes much deeper than Trump