APP - The only way the democrat party can win in November

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
It is clear that Gropin Joe Biden is the worst candidate that the democrat party has ever run and that is saying something when you consider they had John Kerry and Crooked Hillary.

Joe is in obvious state of mental decline. He is even more corrupt than Hillary and he has ZERO enthusiasm among democrats. ZERO. NONE

So how do the democrats plan on cheating their way to victory?

1) Fraudulent polls trying to dampen GOP enthusiasm.
2) Mail in voting and ballot harvesting. 2018 in Commiefornia was a test run in the red districts the democrats flipped
3) Stretching COVID madness as long as they can with corrupt governors to keep Joe protected so he doesn't have to run traditional campaign and can stay hidden
4) Violence with their KKK like terrorist group BLMTIFA