The other shoe will fall tonight!


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Maf54: Do I make you a little horny?
Teen: A little.
Maf54: Cool.-Matt Drudge, 9/29/06
Representative Mark Foley dramatically resigned today as every Washington news outlet raced to find and publish his cyber-sex with teenagers, promising that things are about to get a whole lot creepier before they can be spun back to business as usual. We’ve all read the emails, and they’re creepy-but-vague. But these filthy IMs describing specific sex acts are ON THE WAY — ABC has them and no one can get get to them (except for what they spoonfeed Matt) until Charlie Gibson does his dramatic reading tonight.

So we’ll make sure to let you know the second we hear the filthy details, even though it’s a fucking Friday night. The sacrifices we make for you.
as the kid preyed upon said, this foley guy was ''sic, sic, sic, sic, sic, sic, sic, sic, sic....
as the kid preyed upon said, this foley guy was ''sic, sic, sic, sic, sic, sic, sic, sic, sic....

yes he is .... at least now he is exposed... what a shame. I wonder what drives these guys to abuse their power by attempting to influence Page Boys and Interns into becoming their sexual toys. I believe its 0 respect for the Office they hold and they think they have 0 accountability to the People that send them to Washington. We need to get the Hoovers out and clean house.
yes he is .... at least now he is exposed... what a shame. I wonder what drives these guys to abuse their power by attempting to influence Page Boys and Interns into becoming their sexual toys. I believe its 0 respect for the Office they hold and they think they have 0 accountability to the People that send them to Washington. We need to get the Hoovers out and clean house.

I bet there is more to this than even this....
Of course there is, nobody resigns that quickly unless offered a deal to keep the worst out of the news. Therefore even the bad crap we will get is still less than what there was.
Of course Duhh, but this has to make the republicans day ;)
I guess the Demoncrat opponent is pretty much doing their victory party early.