The Pandemic Helps Us Understand the Real CCP


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Business Strategist: The Pandemic Helps Us Understand the Real CCP

June 10, 2020 | By Wang Ying, (

As western governments take actions to hold the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) accountable for its fault that led to the coronavirus pandemic, entrepreneurs and business leaders have also come to recognize what could be learned from the catastrophe.

“It is well understood that China poses the single greatest geopolitical threat to our national security and freedom for the next century,” wrote Jay Lucas, founder and chairman of corporate consulting firm The Lucas Group, in his article published in The New Hampshire Union Leader on May 31 and titled “COVID-19 has unmasked the Chinese regime.”

“The corruption and deceit of the ruling communist regime has been exposed for what it is — an evil empire bent on world domination that lies to its own people and the world. The mask has been ripped off,” he explained.

Such views are also shared by think tank leaders. “As the U.S. protested and bickered, China attempted to strangle what was left of Hong Kong’s enfeebled democracy. China’s theory seemed to be that if it’s going to be blamed for the spreading virus due to its deceit anyway, it might as well not let such a pandemic go to waste,” wrote Victor Davis Hanson, historian and senior fellow at Hoover Institution, in his article “China Isn’t Letting a Pandemic Go to Waste,” published in National Review on June 4.

Economic and Moral Threat

Lucas said the pandemic highlighted the CCP’s massive cover-up. For example, the human-to-human transmission already occurred as early as on December 6, 2019, but the CCP did not acknowledge it until more than six weeks later, on January 20, 2020. Lucas pointed out that the CCP’s cover-up handicapped “the world in responding to the virus and leading to hundreds of thousands of needless deaths.”

Lucas warned that, “We live in a dangerous world, and the Chinese Communist regime is truly a force for evil, with a set of values that are antithetical to those that we hold sacred. We live in a free society and value human life and dignity.”

Lucas next brought up the CCP’s infringement on basic human rights and personal freedom and its monitoring of “all communication, restricting access as it sees fit and punishing those who dissent.” He mentioned the CCP’s “social credit score” system to “track the extent to which citizens engage in behaviors that obey the totalitarian government and doling out rewards and punishments in accordance with their obedience.”

Lucas also touched upon the CCP’s persecution of its religious minorities, including Falun Gong practitioners. He expressed his shock at the CCP’s state-sanctioned crime of organ harvesting, “They have created a whole industry devoted to the extraction of organs, such as livers and kidneys, from living individuals in these concentration camps and then use these organs for resale and transplant. Meanwhile, leaving the donor victims to die. These are practices that shock the human conscience.”

“The world is now becoming awakened to the character and intent of the Chinese regime. The utter lack of honesty and transparency and the regime’s self-interested actions during COVID-19 have caused us to focus on the greater threats and dangers posed by China writ large, leading to one conclusion: China, ruled by a corrupt totalitarian regime bent on world domination, poses a mortal threat to our national security and freedom,” Lucas wrote, calling on the US to “take all necessary actions” to address this for the economic and moral stability of future generations.

A Global Villain

There are no signs that damages caused by the CCP would stop. “The Chinese strategy in reaction to disclosures that it hid vital data about the virus and exposed the world to contagion while it quarantined its own cities has devolved from ‘So what?’ to the current “What exactly are you going to do about it?” wrote Hanson in the aforementioned National Review article.

“Beijing warned European nations that if their independent media continued to condemn China, there could be commercial retaliation. A few European journalists still exposed Chinese deceit, even as shaken EU leaders backtracked and tried to contextualize Chinese misbehavior,” he continued, “For years, China has bullied and waged a virtual commercial war against Asian democracies such as Japan, South Korea, India, and Australia. It has subverted almost all international trading norms.”

Hansen pointed out that the CCP “conned gullible Western officials that eventually it would become a useful member of the family of nations” when in fact it was growing its clout at the expense of other nations. For instance, with cash from trade surpluses, the CCP “compromised strategically important nations by investing in their infrastructure through its neocolonial and imperialist multitrillion-dollar Belt and Road initiative.”

“China may have been forced by the global epidemic to give up its nice-guy façade. But it has insidiously pivoted from global friend to its new role as an overt global villain,” Hanson concluded in the article, “While America tears itself apart with endless internal quarreling and media psychodramas, while Europe appeases its enemies, and while the rest of Asia stays mute, waiting to see who wins, China is now on the move — without apologies.”