The party of law and order,what a fricken joke.


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They tried as hard as they could to kill as many police as possible at the capital. These traitors tried to bring down our democracy to force in a dictator, that dictaker Being the lowest form of Humanity . How stupid can stupid get, all of the protesters and rioters were there for absolutely no reason, Just to bring down our government to force in this ass hole that lied and led them. They to the man are traitors to this country along with every Trump supporter that still exist, They should be treated as Scum and traitors for the rest of their lives>
The cognitive dissonance of those who look approvingly on the Capitol attack is truly worrisome. I have to believe that most Republicans don't believe Trump's lies or support that sort of behavior, or think that it is at all American to attempt to overthrow an election, by force or otherwise.
The cognitive dissonance of those who look approvingly on the Capitol attack is truly worrisome. I have to believe that most Republicans don't believe Trump's lies or support that sort of behavior, or think that it is at all American to attempt to overthrow an election, by force or otherwise.
I have absolutely no faith at all that they will do what is right. I think they would throw away our democracy to force in their pile of shit dictator, to keep their power. That's my whole point , They literally are this countries biggest threat and enemy. Nothing at all can protect this Democracy if they gain more power. We would be throwing it up for the wind to take it any direction it was blowing that day,
They tried as hard as they could to kill as many police as possible at the capital. These traitors tried to bring down our democracy to force in a dictator, that dictaker Being the lowest form of Humanity . How stupid can stupid get, all of the protesters and rioters were there for absolutely no reason, Just to bring down our government to force in this ass hole that lied and led them. They to the man are traitors to this country along with every Trump supporter that still exist, They should be treated as Scum and traitors for the rest of their lives>

What a liar you are.
They tried as hard as they could to kill as many police as possible at the capital. These traitors tried to bring down our democracy to force in a dictator, that dictaker Being the lowest form of Humanity . How stupid can stupid get, all of the protesters and rioters were there for absolutely no reason, Just to bring down our government to force in this ass hole that lied and led them. They to the man are traitors to this country along with every Trump supporter that still exist, They should be treated as Scum and traitors for the rest of their lives>

Protest "peacefully and patriotically". Pisses you off doesn't it? I love how fucking pissed you cunts are.
What will the Republicans national theme be for the mid-terms. They have basically destroyed all the traditional themes.
They tried as hard as they could to kill as many police as possible at the capital. These traitors tried to bring down our democracy to force in a dictator, that dictaker Being the lowest form of Humanity . How stupid can stupid get, all of the protesters and rioters were there for absolutely no reason, Just to bring down our government to force in this ass hole that lied and led them. They to the man are traitors to this country along with every Trump supporter that still exist, They should be treated as Scum and traitors for the rest of their lives>

If they were trying they certainly sucked at it. More proof it was antifi behind it.
I'm tired of the right wing responses that are just dopey lies or having to change the subject of the thread to respond, when was the last time anyone on the left got a response from a hate Nazi , that contributed anything at all.
They tried as hard as they could to kill as many police as possible at the capital. These traitors tried to bring down our democracy to force in a dictator, that dictaker Being the lowest form of Humanity . How stupid can stupid get, all of the protesters and rioters were there for absolutely no reason, Just to bring down our government to force in this ass hole that lied and led them. They to the man are traitors to this country along with every Trump supporter that still exist, They should be treated as Scum and traitors for the rest of their lives>

Lol. errr duurrr!!! you leftie dimbos are trying very hard and yet still display your own stupidity.
most likely it will be......"now that you know how much worse the economy is under demmycrats, shall we get back to normal?".....

Uh, normal? Ha. we won the House, the Senate and the Presidency... A SOUND REJECTION of Trump, Repuks need to go another way.