The Pen Is Mightier Than George Soros


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Shutting down illegal immigration and phoney asylum claims is going to become the number one issue next summer by 20 points. That gives the public plenty of time to absorb the facts in Michelle Malkin's book. The things she said to Lou Dobbs yesterday in a brief interview must have sent shock waves thru the Democrat Party’s upper echelon. I especially enjoyed MM’s details about George Soros. Move the cursor to 35:07:

Conspirators do not come cheap; hence, George Soros is the primary source of income for the open-borders crowd conspiracy. I doubt if Malkin's book will prompt the Department of Justice to deport Soros back to Hungary; nevertheless, I am putting the possibility at the top of my wish list:

Since George Soros is a big time Democrat Party supporter, and a naturalized American citizen subject to deportation, you can bet that neither the House nor the Senate will investigate this:

The ruling Fidesz and Christian Democrat (KDNP) parties call on the European Commission to answer some questions regarding prepaid debit cards reportedly issued for migrants, the alliance’s spokesman, Istvan Hollik, told a press conference in Budapest on Saturday.

Earlier this week, Fidesz’s Lajos Kosa, head of parliament’s defence and law enforcement committee, cited recent reports about tens of thousands of prepaid debit cards made available to migrants by the European Commission and the United Nations Refugee Agency UNHCR.

The debit cards are reported to have been used by migrants on the “reactivated Balkan migration route”, Hollik said.

The EC should explain the origins of the cards, the amounts deposited on them, and the reasons why the scheme was kept in secret, he said.

The cards are said to be funded by moneys from the EU, the UN and US financier George Soros, Hollik said, raising the question whether the member states have agreed to a scheme like that.

The ruling parties expect information on the bodies financing tens of thousands of migrants on their way to the southern borders of Europe, Hollik said, adding that this way they may also finance terrorism.

Hungary wants more info on Soros-UN debit cards as they may finance terrorism
By Hungary Journal
11 November 2018

George Soros aside, you gotta love anybody that upsets Catholic bishops.

In an exclusive interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily, Malkin said a Catholic bishop threatened to defund a pro-life organization after she gave a speech to the group where she mentioned church officials’ cozying up to radical leftist Saul Alinsky.

“I haven’t talked about this, so this is new, but the Catholic Church is already mad with me about this book and they haven’t even read it,” Malkin said. “I simply mention, very briefly, in a speech that I gave to a pro-life group in Missouri that I was writing this book and that it was no coincidence that there was an intersection between the very same types of radicals who hijacked the Catholic Church in Chicago who aligned themselves with Saul Alinksy — I mean, the man, not just the concepts or theories.”

Exclusive–Malkin: ‘Catholic Church Mad with Me’ About Book on Open Borders and ‘They Haven’t Even Read It’
by John Binder
11 Sep 2019
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George Soros aside, you gotta love anybody that upsets Catholic bishops.

In an exclusive interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily, Malkin said a Catholic bishop threatened to defund a pro-life organization after she gave a speech to the group where she mentioned church officials’ cozying up to radical leftist Saul Alinsky.

“I haven’t talked about this, so this is new, but the Catholic Church is already mad with me about this book and they haven’t even read it,” Malkin said. “I simply mention, very briefly, in a speech that I gave to a pro-life group in Missouri that I was writing this book and that it was no coincidence that there was an intersection between the very same types of radicals who hijacked the Catholic Church in Chicago who aligned themselves with Saul Alinksy — I mean, the man, not just the concepts or theories.”

Exclusive–Malkin: ‘Catholic Church Mad with Me’ About Book on Open Borders and ‘They Haven’t Even Read It’
by John Binder
11 Sep 2019

If there is such as a thing as a CINO organization (Conservative In Name Only) I go with Michelle Malkin:

A conservative group cut ties with right-wing columnist Michelle Malkin on Sunday over her support for an anti-Semitic internet personality, ramping up a growing conservative civil war centered on college campuses. Malkin’s firing from Young America’s Foundation, whose speakers bureau had booked Malkin for speeches across the country for the past 17 years, marks the latest battle between supporters of Holocaust denier Nick Fuentes and more establishment conservative figures. “Michelle Malkin in no longer part of YAF’s campus lecture program,” a YAF spokesman said in an email to The Daily Beast.

Conservative Group Fires Michelle Malkin Over Support for Holocaust Denier
Will Sommer
Updated Nov. 18, 2019 4:19AM ET
Published Nov. 17, 2019 9:46PM ET
If there is such as a thing as a CINO organization (Conservative In Name Only) I go with Michelle Malkin:

I used to say CINO to identify Republicans like Paul Ryan, Mitt Romney, et al. There are so many CINO these days I stopped using the acronym. My hats off to my gal Judi for a new one:

But the irrefutable truth is that aside from Pope Francis, President Joe Biden is the Biggest CINO (Catholic in Name Only) of all time.

And he will continue to be as long as he follows a King Herod-like legacy ridden with spite and hatred in trying to get even with the masses.

Is The Pope Joe Biden Catholic?
By Judi McLeod
January 26, 2021

p.s. Diarrhea Mouth Pelosi has long been a CINO.