The People's Democratic Socialist Court of PWN is in Session: Grind


Alright guys, I'm here to charge Grind with TREASON and GENOCIDE and MURDER. How do you plead grind?

Grind: Guilty.

Plea rejected. Jury, how vote you?

WM: Guilty. Death.
Capt: Guilty. Death.
Three: Guilty. Death.
Grind: Guilty. Death.

Well, I guess it's settled then. Grind is sentenced to be drawn and quartered at dawn tomorrow. Justice is done.
3d and capt are more in line with my viewpoints over yours. they will avenge my death, even though they also voted for my death.
3d and capt are more in line with my viewpoints over yours. they will avenge my death, even though they also voted for my death.
It's amazing how similar all our view points are, despite our radically different personalities.
It's amazing how similar all our view points are, despite our radically different personalities.

Like abortion:

Grind: LULZ
WM: Doesn't count as murder because their neurological systems are practically non-existent and that's what truly defines humanity.
Threedee: An atrocity
Toki: ?
Like abortion:

Grind: LULZ
WM: Doesn't count as murder because their neurological systems are practically non-existent and that's what truly defines humanity.
Threedee: An atrocity
Toki: ?
I have literally no opinion on abortion.

Other than that though, we're all Libertarians deep down inside. We are the guiding light of the coming shadow government.
I have literally no opinion on abortion.

Other than that though, we're all Libertarians deep down inside. We are the guiding light of the coming shadow government.
I do! I think Dixie, Southern Man and Skidmark make excellent arguments for the morality of retroactive abortion. I mean think about this. If you had a kid like Skidmark would you want him to reach reproductive age?
I think I have a good solution here. Is Grind guilty? Does Billy drink beer? Fuck ya he's guilty but what good would killing him do? For every Grind you kill, ten will take his place. There's also more conservatives then could ever be possibly killed. So killing them all would be a useless exercise.

That undeniable fact must be a truly horrible burden for Skidmark. So since Grind is guilty as hell the only reasonable solution would be to kill Skidmark and end his suffering.
I think I have a good solution here. Is Grind guilty? Does Billy drink beer? Fuck ya he's guilty but what good would killing him do? For every Grind you kill, ten will take his place. There's also more conservatives then could ever be possibly killed. So killing them all would be a useless exercise.

That undeniable fact must be a truly horrible burden for Skidmark. So since Grind is guilty as hell the only reasonable solution would be to kill Skidmark and end his suffering.

I don't recall consenting to either find Grind guilty or to execute him...

...However, since Grind is a douchebag, I figure there's no harm in going along with WM on this one. Plus, D&Q is kinda fun.

...Of course, we all know the only reason why WM wants to kill Grind is for the inheritance. :D
I think I have a good solution here. Is Grind guilty? Does Billy drink beer? Fuck ya he's guilty but what good would killing him do? For every Grind you kill, ten will take his place. There's also more conservatives then could ever be possibly killed. So killing them all would be a useless exercise.

That undeniable fact must be a truly horrible burden for Skidmark. So since Grind is guilty as hell the only reasonable solution would be to kill Skidmark and end his suffering.
Ten more would take is his place? While it is true finding a new Grind would be easier than finding a new me (the equivalent of finding a needle in the vast cosmos), Grind is certainly a rarity. Your blasphemies against the TRINITY have cost you enough already. Don't compound them.
Ten more would take is his place? While it is true finding a new Grind would be easier than finding a new me (the equivalent of finding a needle in the vast cosmos), Grind is certainly a rarity. Your blasphemies against the TRINITY have cost you enough already. Don't compound them.
Dude, you can't swing a dead cat by the tail with out hitting a mystanthropic, beer swilling, gun totting, ex-jarhead welder, like you, in Detroit and as for Grind....ehh...he'll be all right once he moves out of his parents basement...but don't change the subject. Were talking about a fair and equitable punishment for Grinds transgressions and treason. I can think of no fairer thing to do then executing Skidmark.