The picture of early-human origins in Africa grows more complex


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For decades, scientists who studied early modern humans believed that our ancestors initially inhabited only small areas of Africa, the savannas of the eastern and southern part of the continent, and then moved north into Asia, Europe and beyond. In this view, early humans bypassed West and Central Africa, especially tropical forests. These areas, the argument went, were populated much later.

“It’s becoming more and more clear that humans didn't originate in a single population in one region of Africa,” says Eleanor Scerri, an archaeologist at the Max Planck Institute of Geoanthropology in Jena, Germany. “If we really want to understand human evolution, we need to look at all of the African continent.”

For decades, scientists who studied early modern humans
No early humans were studied over those decades.

believed that our ancestors initially inhabited only small areas of Africa, the savannas of the eastern and southern part of the continent, and then moved north into Asia, Europe and beyond.
Beliefs concerning locations of populations are really superficial and immaterial. Evidence of bahavior and signs of intelligence are what matter.

In this view, early humans bypassed West and Central Africa, especially tropical forests. These areas, the argument went, were populated much later.
It's not much of an argument because there is no way to support it. Therefore there isn't much to this belief, and there aren't really any insights to be gleaned.

“It’s becoming more and more clear that humans didn't originate in a single population in one region of Africa,”
This is known as a "conclusion" that requires support which is not provided because there isn't any.

“If we really want to understand human evolution, we need to look at all of the African continent.”
... and we need to look at all of Asia as well.
Discoveries in disciplines like paleoanthropology and archeology are driven to some extent by politics. Kenya and Tanzania are just more comfortable and favorable countries to work in.