APP - the point of forgiveness

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
The point of forgiveness is not for the benefit of the forgiven.
It’s for the benefit of the forgiver. Someone does something to you. So you get even. How, by doing something bad back. You’ve just hurt yourself by taking on an evil deed.
Then of course they’re going to get even and then you need to do something else
Vengeance does not go long unrevenged.
Let’s say someone does something and you don’t get even. You just stay mad about it. So you carry the anger and bitterness around with you and it contaminates your whole life. You not only let them hurt you, you helped them to go on hurting you.
If you’ve got a pack full of old hurts and grievances you’re carrying around, then at the end of the day you’re tired and worn out.
If you dump them and let them go, your life goes easier.
Chances are it doesn’t make any difference to the other party if you forgave them or not. In most cases they don’t even know it, unless you are actively trying to hurt them. Then instead of you having fun and enjoying life you’re letting them dominate your life because they’re in your thoughts and you are just letting them drag you down. In most cases even if they do know they don’t care.
Let the state do the punishing.
Never forgive unless the offender is willing to repent. Sadly they rarely have the humility to do that. And either way I never forget.