"The policy was to keep the army intact," Bush said. "Didn't happen."

During one economic adviser’s session in 1999, Bush creates what Draper calls “a sickly silence” when he brings conversation to a halt by ordering Karl Rove, his close friend and trusted political guru, to hang up the president’s coat up for him.

That's not the first story I've heard like this about him. The man is disturbed on many levels.
Man, I can't even begin to imagine what they'd be saying about Clinton for making this kind of statement regarding one of the worst war/foreign policy decisions made in modern history.


If you can't run a war, don't start one...

The odd thing is that is was not the policy to keep the Iraqi Army intact. Bremmer's got the documents to prove it and has shared them with the media. THe policy was to disband the army and start from the ground up, against the advice of many many people that actually knew what they were doing.

I guess Bush has decided that failing to implement a good policy, keeping the Army intact, looks much better than agreeing on and implementing a failed policy, disbanding the army. The benefit of saying the policy was right but not carried through is that Bush can place the blame on others, which Bremmer has rightfully refused to allow.
By the way, this is my favorite:

But when Mr. Draper pointed out that Mr. Bush's former Iraq administrator, L. Paul Bremer III, had gone ahead and forced the army's dissolution and then asked Mr. Bush how he reacted to that, Mr. Bush said, "Yeah, I can't remember, I'm sure I said, 'This is the policy, what happened?' " But, he added, "Again, Hadley's got notes on all of this stuff," referring to Stephen J. Hadley, his national security adviser.

"Hadley's got notes on all of this stuff."

Hilarious, if he wasn't president. Scary is more like it.
Its this same adolesant bravado that the cons who still support him have.

The people who Love this guy suffer his same affliction.

The world revolves arround me and that it is a vertue to believe this way.

They will even FAKE IT at times when they are feeling vulnerable.

Man childs disease.
Umm it never was the plan to keep Iraq's army intact. We would have more trouble exploiting their oil if we had let the Iraqi army stay intact.
had to be a clean sweep.
This was not about WMD's
This was not about getting rid of Sadam.
this was not about 911.
This was not about giving Iraq democracy.

This was ALL about oil and protecting our oil addicted way of life in the USA.