The poor hate party will have to try harder


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The conservative party of 2018 will be moving to where they belong, in the history books, They're toast. They will do anything to hold onto power. Every right wing hotbed in this country is cheating and redistricting for automatic hate party wins. AS in the Pennsylvania election held yesterday, where scum bag had a 20% lead on Clinton, they just voted in a Democrat, in the last district in this country that would go Democrat. The hate party is toast. The hate party had just redistricted that district and the courts caught them at it , and they will be forced to redistrict. . Even then The election was under the automatic hate party redistricting and Lamb the democrat still won. They’re toasts, They will do anything by lying about who they are, to get blocks of voters but it backfired on them, They did the Christian thing to get evangelicals, even if they are total fake Christians themselves, they did the flag waving clown act and they support guns when they don't give a flying whatever about guns, unless they can make money off of them, They buy votes with endless tax cut promises . All across this country in hate party strongholds they are trying to take away votes of blocks of people who lean toward the left. Then they made their biggest mistake, they went after one of the larger blocks of people in this country , the cup half empty crowd , The group populated with haters, Bigots, homophones, chauvinists, Islamophobic, Trouble is they did to good of a job pulling in this group, when the election came up the ultimate hater stepped into a presidential candidacy, Scum Bag himself and to the distaste and confusion of the right , this hate candidate won, thus becoming the hate party.
Why are they doing this , it's simple , they know they are toast, it's called demographics. the browning of America, so now they hate the dirty raping Mexicans. So they will lie steal and conjure . to stay in power.The ultimate hate party mistake, selling out to the Russians and electing scum bag. This will cut the time in two, for the last hurrah of the hate party. The president and the people who put him in office are this countries biggest threat and biggest enemy. They put this nut right next to the little red button that once pushed ends mankind.
You real conservative, the few that are left, have nothing to worry about , this country will always have a conservative voice and that is good , but the hate party and its leader have to go and they will , they are toast. The party of fear , the party of hatred . It's been known for decades that the right wing brain is wired for fear.
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