The poor poor right wing.


Verified User
The red necks here will hang onto their lies as long as they can , literally it is their only power they have, take the abortion routine away from them and they will cry like 2 year olds , take the Democrats are going to take everyone's guns and they will cry so hard that their snot will
be running all the way to the floor. Take away their commie behind every corner routine and there will be multiple mental breakdowns. Take away the lie that they are this countries patriots and 50% of them will be taken to mental institutes and these are example built on bullshit. That they need as a party for the ignorant.
The red necks here will hang onto their lies as long as they can , literally it is their only power they have, take the abortion routine away from them and they will cry like 2 year olds , take the Democrats are going to take everyone's guns and they will cry so hard that their snot will
be running all the way to the floor. Take away their commie behind every corner routine and there will be multiple mental breakdowns. Take away the lie that they are this countries patriots and 50% of them will be taken to mental institutes and these are example built on bullshit. That they need as a party for the ignorant.

I have no worries about any Democrat taking my guns. I've heard a lot of them claim they would do yet not a single one has knocked on my door demanding them.

So much for the claim by you lefties that you're smarter and more educated than the rest of us. Your post is so full of grammatical errors one might think it was either written by a first grader or the typical 85 average IQ black.