The pope is trying to get us killed.


Junior Member
these people are mental... doesn't the pope think before he says anything??

ANKARA, Turkey - Muslims in Turkey, Iraq and the Palestinian territories demanded Tuesday that Pope Benedict XVI make a clear apology for his remarks on Islam, instead of saying only that he was “deeply sorry” that Muslims had taken offense.

“So far, we consider the apology of the Vatican Pope insufficient,” Hussein told reporters. “We firmly ask the Vatican Pope to offer a personal, public and clear apology to the 1.5 billion Muslims in this world.”

now they should probably take the popes apology... b/c to be honest i can't ever remember a christian apologizing for anything, b/c they know everything..

Turks demand pope's arrest
Seven churches in the West Bank and Gaza were attacked following Benedict’s comments. Damage was minor and no one was hurt, but it unsettled the small Christian minority, which accounts for about 2 percent of the 3.4 million Palestinians.

the pope is lucky he didn't get anyone killed, but then again they are always talking about the apocolypse so they probably want it to come..
now you have em beign all like death to the west and such... i mean we all know they want us dead, so why provoke these mental people?? popes must not take any PR classes or psycology...