The Posse Comitatus Conspiracy


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I must have seen two or three hundred headlines on social media news sites attacking cops. I doubt if I read three stories. This one appears to be without violence:


NOTE: If you want millions you have to get shot; nevertheless, I am pretty sure every lawyer worth his salt can get “grimacing man” a $100,000 for a finger:

“He’s breaking my finger,” the grimacing man claims.

Protesters block traffic, clash with cops on Brooklyn Bridge
By Jesse O’Neill
April 25, 2021 | 2:55am

I am still waiting for somebody to tell me the percentage of police officers who served in the military before joining a big city police force.

My point. BLM and Atifa cop-haters must also hate the U.S. Military. After they disarm police forces, their next logical step is to abolish the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878. When they take over they can legally use their military against the American people.

Take note of the incrementalism that surely defines a long-running conspiracy.

President George W. Bush rolled a small snowball downhill:

. . . Bush the Younger signed all of the authority the federal government needs to suspend the Constitution forever:

In 2006, Congress modified the Insurrection Act as part of the 2007 Defense Authorization Bill (repealed as of 2008). On September 26, 2006, President George W. Bush urged Congress to consider revising federal laws so that U.S. armed forces could restore public order and enforce laws in the aftermath of a natural disaster, terrorist attack or incident, or other condition. These changes were included in the John Warner National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2007 (H.R. 5122), which was signed into law on October 17, 2006.

The lying sack of shit wasted no time in picking up where Bush left off when he, Obama, took the next step in abolishing the Posse Comitatus Act. The smiling turd, Joe Biden, is just the guy to abolish Posse Comitatus completely:

Nothing in this executive order calls for or authorizes the United States military to use force against American civilians, nor does the order “change the rules of engagement between the military vs ordinary US citizens.” Rather, this executive order aims to curb civilian causalities during the use of force in areas of conflict outside the U.S.

Legal scholars are more concerned with defending International law (U.N. law) than they are about defending a very important American law.

Although the claims made by fringe political sites on this subject may be overblown, the executive order in question has been criticized by legal scholars who argue that the United States drone policy could violate international law because the United States’ war on terrorist groups doesn’t have specific geographic bounds:

Obama Signs Executive Order Allowing Military to Fight US Citizens
Dan Evon

Finally, there is more about Posse Comitatus in this thread:
Police departments actualy super avoid ex-military except for national guard. Mp's get it worst of all i hear. There could be a hoard of resons for that.
I know what i know on that from personal experience, not some illegitimate faggoty website. Even an army recruiter will tell you that. Experience as an mp in the military stacks the most prejudice against you trying to join law enforcment. Sheriff dpts are more likely than municipals to look past it. It's just one of those things. Mp's get deployed to combat zones before infantry, something about increased adrenalin dependence, international connections, drug use, etc etc. and then there's also the point the military are killers where cops are protectors, as they tell themselves. Makes a floyd topic less defensible. Employment histories can be subpoenaed. Also, fbi pigs been on edge about vets ever since oklahoma, doesnt suit them well to employ their own excuse for domestic spying. Anyone that serves overseas is open to extrajudicial scrutiny at any time for the rest of their lives.

So yeah, dont need no faggot site citation. Schmucko.