The Post-Millennials Should Scare the Hell Out of the GOP

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
And no, as they get older they won't revert to a baboonish backward kulture they haven't been brought up in , that horse has left the barn

Basically, everything about the millennial generation that threatens the GOP — its diversity, tolerance, and relative disdain for values rooted in conservative Christianity — is even more likely to be manifested among the post-millennials.

“It’s difficult to see how the GOP will gain ground among younger adults as this newest cohort continues its demographic and cultural drift away from the average GOP voter,” says Daniel Cox, research director of the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute, which recently conducted one of the most extensive surveys of attitudes among post-millennials in partnership with MTV. “The cultural disconnect is only going to grow. The average GOP voter is a middle-aged white Christian. That’s simply not what the US is going to look like in the future.”

For one thing, the post-millennials are roughly half nonwhite. “Already … a majority of post-millennials are kids of color in 13 states and 38 of the 100 largest metropolitan areas, ranging from Los Angeles, San Antonio and Houston to New York, Chicago and Memphis.”
But demographics alone, compounded by a decline in conservative religious views that first became so notable among millennials (one expert calls the post-millennials the “first post-Christian” generation), should make this new cohort of citizens problematic for any political party that relies on white identity politics and a firm belief in rigid and often patriarchal norms of sexual behavior. And like the millennials, the post-millennials are a large generation.
And no, as they get older they won't revert to a baboonish backward kulture they haven't been brought up in , that horse has left the barn

Basically, everything about the millennial generation that threatens the GOP — its diversity, tolerance, and relative disdain for values rooted in conservative Christianity — is even more likely to be manifested among the post-millennials.

“It’s difficult to see how the GOP will gain ground among younger adults as this newest cohort continues its demographic and cultural drift away from the average GOP voter,” says Daniel Cox, research director of the nonpartisan Public Religion Research Institute, which recently conducted one of the most extensive surveys of attitudes among post-millennials in partnership with MTV. “The cultural disconnect is only going to grow. The average GOP voter is a middle-aged white Christian. That’s simply not what the US is going to look like in the future.”

For one thing, the post-millennials are roughly half nonwhite. “Already … a majority of post-millennials are kids of color in 13 states and 38 of the 100 largest metropolitan areas, ranging from Los Angeles, San Antonio and Houston to New York, Chicago and Memphis.”

Who is going to support all those entitlement minded little shits that think because they want it they should have it handed to them?
Who is going to support all those entitlement minded little shits that think because they want it they should have it handed to them?

The idea that some drunken opioid addled uneducated Boomers can support anybody is just plain stupid.
The idea that some drunken opioid addled uneducated Boomers can support anybody is just plain stupid.

The taxes I pay, which are likely more than you make, support the 1 in every 3 1/2 niggers on food stamps. Instead of a simple "thank you", you want to complain.
We want a liberal court, not one that rules for corporations and plutocrats. This court is the most pro corporate over people of all time.
No. We want a court that strictly adheres to the Letter of the Law regarding the Constitution.

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The next generation composed of so many children raised in households where money magically arrives on a card every month should be of a concern to everybody.
No. We want a court that strictly adheres to the Letter of the Law regarding the Constitution.

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As the right defines it? The constitution was written 250 years ago. it needs constant updating. It cannot keep up with our fast changing world. Wanting guys who lived in flintlock and agricultural times to decide what we do now is inane. I see nothing in originalism that is compelling. Yet this court is the most activist of all time. it stretches outside of cases to make far reaching rulings regularly.
As it is PROPERLY defined. Which means Original intent. You want changes? Go through the amendment process!!!!
As the right defines it? The constitution was written 250 years ago. it needs constant updating. It cannot keep up with our fast changing world. Wanting guys who lived in flintlock and agricultural times to decide what we do now is inane. I see nothing in originalism that is compelling. Yet this court is the most activist of all time. it stretches outside of cases to make far reaching rulings regularly.

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