The Power of Memes



This meme has been going on for a while, and I'm finally going to comment on it. "The Left Can't Meme". The premise is basically that because the Left wants to be politically correct and is worried about people's feelings - Their jokes lack PUNCH! So, their memes never go viral.

I generally agree with that assertion, that left wing memes are not very good at all; BUT, I'm not saying that because of hatred, I'm just saying they don't make me laugh. And in fact, I'll go on the record saying - I hope the left eventually improves their memes!

AND THAT - is the topic of this article. FREEDOM OF SPEECH - its important.

Its important that we are able to criticize things and protest for change; And yet I feel, it is of equal importance - maybe even greater importance - that we be allowed to joke about anything and everything.

When we joke about something, we take the power away from it.Example, the countless jokes about the name "Adolf" like - "Hitler probably killed that name, you're not going to see anyone using that name anymore" Or "You know Hitler tried to be a painter and failed? He's like an angry teenager, no one liked his bowl of fruit picture so he went on a rampage! Protesting in the streets!"

Okay - those are the kinds of jokes where you just have to hear them, I can't deliver them well, I don't do them justice... But the point is, when we make fun of Adolf Hitler, it diminishes his legacy - It makes him seem small and dumb and petty and obviously terrible.

His name has a lot of power in society, specifically in German society - where you can fined or even sent to prison for making any refrences to the nazis or Adolf Hitler. His name has so much power - Germany is actively jailing people for saying his name! Yep, freedom of speech doesn't mean much to germans even today!

When we make a joke, we diminish Hitler's status, we diminish the power he has over Germany even after death. Because YES - when you're jailing people for speaking of Hitler - Hitler still has power over your society, long after he died!

The basic logic goes like this:

Anything with prestige has power
Anything with power corrupts and can be corrupted
We take prestige away from things we joke about
We must be allowed to joke about anything and everything

Another example. Trump. He is president of these United States. He has status, which means he has power - The best way to weaken his power, weaken his hold over society - Is to make jokes about him, diminish him, and his legacy.

And the same applies to Obama. He is a former president of the US. Making a joke about him liking KFC will diminish his legacy. In my eyes, this is a good thing - too many people worship Obama like a god on earth - Too many people wanted to burn the constitution and make Obama the permanent president.

So whether its Hitler, Trump, or Obama - we should not yell at peoplefor idolizing him! We should make fun of him, diminish their legacy. And in making jokes, we make the god, human.

THIS - is why freedom of speech is important.
THIS - is why freedom to joke and make memes is so important -
Because laughter is a natural check on power -

You're not bowing down to someone if you're too busy laughing at them. So, I hope the left can improve their memes; I hope everyone can improve their memes. Don't let your memes be dreams! Guys, I'll catch you later!