The president has railed against “globalists”

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win, Am Yisrael Chai
“Globalist” is a term with an anti-Semitic history, and it’s often understood as code for “Jews,” so this language is activating and traumatizing for a lot of Jews. Especially in the wake of a bomb attack at the home of George Soros, a prominent Jewish philanthropist who is often slammed with the “globalist” label. Much of Soros’ recent’ work centers around promoting the idea of an “open society,” an idea borrowed from Karl Popper’s book The Open Society & Its Enemies. As this piece by Kate Maltby argues, open societies are open to ideas, people and markets, while closed societies are not. Maltby also argues — I think quite persuasively — that attacks on Soros and his philosophy are dangerous not only to Soros himself but to freedom of expression across Europe..........................
“Globalist” is a term with an anti-Semitic history, and it’s often understood as code for “Jews,” so this language is activating and traumatizing for a lot of Jews. Especially in the wake of a bomb attack at the home of George Soros, a prominent Jewish philanthropist who is often slammed with the “globalist” label. Much of Soros’ recent’ work centers around promoting the idea of an “open society,” an idea borrowed from Karl Popper’s book The Open Society & Its Enemies. As this piece by Kate Maltby argues, open societies are open to ideas, people and markets, while closed societies are not. Maltby also argues — I think quite persuasively — that attacks on Soros and his philosophy are dangerous not only to Soros himself but to freedom of expression across Europe..........................

You seem to be obsessed with 'Jews'. The World is now a de facto Global Capitalistic System. International Trade reduces actual Warfare. Everyone is on board with it. Local Politician may say otherwise to win 'votes', but it is The System now and ... in the Future.
Yea, I don't think it is just Jews, the President has railed against everyone that isn't named Putin or a member of his base.
“Globalist” is a term with an anti-Semitic history, and it’s often understood as code for “Jews,” so this language is activating and traumatizing for a lot of Jews. Especially in the wake of a bomb attack at the home of George Soros, a prominent Jewish philanthropist who is often slammed with the “globalist” label. Much of Soros’ recent’ work centers around promoting the idea of an “open society,” an idea borrowed from Karl Popper’s book The Open Society & Its Enemies. As this piece by Kate Maltby argues, open societies are open to ideas, people and markets, while closed societies are not. Maltby also argues — I think quite persuasively — that attacks on Soros and his philosophy are dangerous not only to Soros himself but to freedom of expression across Europe..........................

Railing against "globalists"???? Trump is just working the mob.
“Globalist” is a term with an anti-Semitic history, and it’s often understood as code for “Jews,” so this language is activating and traumatizing for a lot of Jews. Especially in the wake of a bomb attack at the home of George Soros, a prominent Jewish philanthropist who is often slammed with the “globalist” label. Much of Soros’ recent’ work centers around promoting the idea of an “open society,” an idea borrowed from Karl Popper’s book The Open Society & Its Enemies. As this piece by Kate Maltby argues, open societies are open to ideas, people and markets, while closed societies are not. Maltby also argues — I think quite persuasively — that attacks on Soros and his philosophy are dangerous not only to Soros himself but to freedom of expression across Europe..........................

The left has been rallying against the WTO for as long as I have been alive. They are the ones who gives us all the good footage of tear gas victims anytime one of these big trade officials meet.
Yeah. I don't care. I'm not against all trade. I'm against shitty, shortsighted, stupid deals that wreck lives. Populists are smarter than globalist retards.

Populists are easily churned up by liars and cheats.

Following Hitlers rise to power, in 1943 the OSS did a psychological profile of Hitler. If one was to read that report you will find that Hitlers primary rules were:

“never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never accept blame; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; repeat it frequently enough people will believe it’.”
Populists are easily churned up by liars and cheats.

Following Hitlers rise to power, in 1943 the OSS did a psychological profile of Hitler. If one was to read that report you will find that Hitlers primary rules were:

“never allow the public to cool off; never admit a fault or wrong; never concede that there may be some good in your enemy; never accept blame; people will believe a big lie sooner than a little one; repeat it frequently enough people will believe it’.”
Your brain has turned to mush.

Globalism only benefits the elite.

Immigration drives wages down.
The global economy has made America the wealthiest nation that ever existed. To reds, that is bad. Let's close up the borders and quit international trade. As Trump says, everyone is taking advantage of us. Trump and Ivanka still make their overpriced crap in China and 3rd world nations. So Daffy is lying ,knowing whatever he says the rightys will buy. Such simple little people.