APP - 'The Price Of Inequality'


'American exceptionalism,' is that an ironic slogan or a clever cover?

In the past thirty years, since the so called Reagan revolution, inequality in America has grown. And yet even today among the haves and the have nots this fact is lost in propaganda. The chart at link shows the place inequality leads.

"Great inequality is the scourge of modern societies. We provide the evidence on each of eleven different health and social problems: physical health, mental health, drug abuse, education, imprisonment, obesity, social mobility, trust and community life, violence, teenage births, and child well-being. For all eleven of these health and social problems, outcomes are very substantially worse in more unequal societies." Richard Wilkinson/Kate Pickett

The new American world, I Got Mine....

"Five years ago, Steven L. Glazer, an internal medicine doctor in Norwalk, Conn., told his thousand patients that he would no longer be able to care for them because he was going to focus on only a dozen, wealthy patients who could pay his annual fee."

The cost of Guardian 24/7’s services ranges from $6,000 to $12,000 a month, plus an additional $700,000 for one of the company’s top-of-the-line “ready rooms” installed in a client’s home, yacht or airplane, said Jonathan Frye, chief executive."

A vote for Romney/Ryan is a vote against the fundamental idea of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

'American exceptionalism,' is that an ironic slogan or a clever cover?

In the past thirty years, since the so called Reagan revolution, inequality in America has grown. And yet even today among the haves and the have nots this fact is lost in propaganda. The chart at link shows the place inequality leads.

"Great inequality is the scourge of modern societies. We provide the evidence on each of eleven different health and social problems: physical health, mental health, drug abuse, education, imprisonment, obesity, social mobility, trust and community life, violence, teenage births, and child well-being. For all eleven of these health and social problems, outcomes are very substantially worse in more unequal societies." Richard Wilkinson/Kate Pickett

The new American world, I Got Mine....

"Five years ago, Steven L. Glazer, an internal medicine doctor in Norwalk, Conn., told his thousand patients that he would no longer be able to care for them because he was going to focus on only a dozen, wealthy patients who could pay his annual fee."

The cost of Guardian 24/7’s services ranges from $6,000 to $12,000 a month, plus an additional $700,000 for one of the company’s top-of-the-line “ready rooms” installed in a client’s home, yacht or airplane, said Jonathan Frye, chief executive."

A vote for Romney/Ryan is a vote against the fundamental idea of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

How do they interfere in your life?
How do they interfere in your life?

How does who interfere in my life? Is inequality only a question of who? If it is, what does that mean? Where does this presumed interference come from and why? Since it forms a segment of your personal worldview, answers please. I have no clue what the heck you are talking about or where you are going. Try to get out of your head when answering. Tough task I realize. (I see you are still having identity problems?)

As for the cartoon, we made it in life, were I a retarded republican who cares not about America, its freedoms and its privileges I'd be a brain dead conservative aka republican voter. See quote in sig too.

"The GOP dreams of a world in which the very rich arrogate to themselves the vast wealth a capitalist economy produces, an outcome made possible by rules, regulations, and practices they devise; given the force of law thanks to “representatives” they usher into office courtesy of a political system they have bought; and sanctified by an activist Supreme Court they have installed. It’s a vicious economic-political noose that threatens to tighten the grip on democracy and make it yield to the slightest pressure from its masters. Republicans must rule the country they profit from, even pillage, while the rest are to be marginalized and dismissed, essentially foreigners in their own land. Those who think Romney and the GOP live in the 1950s may need to reset their calendars. They’re not nearly so modern." Steven Johnston


A vote for Romney/Ryan is a vote against the fundamental idea of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.
You are the one who wrote a statement, and punctuated it with bold text. Since it was so important, why don't you defend it by answering the question, "how do they interfere in your life?"
Also, yes, my mindset is that a free society guarantees each individual equality of opportunity. If you want equality of circumstance, I recommend you take a trip to Tune Town. If you want a society which claims to support equality of circumstance, there is always the socialist party ticket or communism...
Okay, so the sentence you bolded is now null and void. Thank you for your correction.

Now I get you, you are talking about the R/R comment and not inequality. When religion manages a society, freedom of thought and of action is not possible. I think you are smart enough to realize that. Thus Romney Ryan's religious beliefs and their attempt to enforce their belief on others who are not of the same religion or of none at all is interference and coercion. I think you'd have to agree?

"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey

A vote for Romney/Ryan is a vote against the fundamental idea of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

Prior post:

Is lack of proper health care legalized murder? Is collateral damage murder? Are sanctions which only kill children and the sickly murder? Is the lack of a fair wage and a place to sleep murder? If parents can be held accountable for their children after birth and society finds it acceptable to punish them, then shouldn't all those who argue against healthcare, child support, food programs, and welfare, shouldn't they too be held accountable? Is invading a sovereign nation on trumped up charges murder? Did you protest Iraq? Did you cry these crocodile tears? So called pro life may be the biggest hypocritical religious position of modern America as none of these people want to support the living, feed the hungry, stop war, or follow their own phony stance and have lots of children. None would take care all the children born except to place them into servitude and condemn them. Hypocrites all.

Why is it men who cannot make this decision know the proper decision? Keep your religion out of other people lives.

Does pro-life include not eating and killing other life forms for surely they suffer and die at a more advanced level of life and feeling?

Each month a women, a couple, decide on whether the cells, the potential cells are to be discarded or if they are to attempt a conception and thus life. If they choose not to create life, is that OK, for surely this is life (cellular life) being discarded?

Two out of five (or more) conceptions end naturally, who is at fault here? Nature or gawd? Are these humans?

How is it that a decision, a moral judgment, that a women or a couple makes is thought of as wrong by another person or entity who have no authority to tell or command another person?

I repeat when anti abortion foes stop the needless deaths of living, feeling humans throughout the world who die every 15 seconds, when they even care and protest that this happens, when they protest wars that kill the innocent, when they provide welfare and care for the homeless and the hungry in America and the world, then I will take them serious. But till then they are hypocrites because their only desire is to control another who they give not a flying fluck about and probably condemn. It's so easy to be moral when nothing is demanded of you and you do nothing but preach and legislate.

"In the 1950s, about a million illegal abortions a year were performed in the U.S., and over a thousand women died each year as a result. Women who were victims of botched or unsanitary abortions came in desperation to hospital emergency wards, where some died of widespread abdominal infections. Many women who recovered from such infections found themselves sterile or chronically and painfully ill. The enormous emotional stress often lasted a long time."
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Katrina also demonstrated the monstrous inequality in America, an inequality that usually goes unnoticed. The hidden America that contradicts all the myths.

'The Hideous Inequality Exposed by Hurricane Sandy'

"Divides between the rich and the poor are nothing new in New York, but the storm brought them vividly to the surface. There were residents like me who could invest all of their time and energy into protecting their families. And there were New Yorkers who could not....Those with a car could flee. Those with wealth could move into a hotel. Those with steady jobs could decline to come into work. But the city's cooks, doormen, maintenance men, taxi drivers and maids left their loved ones at home."
Now I get you, you are talking about the R/R comment and not inequality. When religion manages a society, freedom of thought and of action is not possible. I think you are smart enough to realize that. Thus Romney Ryan's religious beliefs and their attempt to enforce their belief on others who are not of the same religion or of none at all is interference and coercion. I think you'd have to agree?

"Abolition of a woman's right to abortion, when and if she wants it, amounts to compulsory maternity: a form of rape by the State." Edward Abbey

A vote for Romney/Ryan is a vote against the fundamental idea of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

Prior post:

Is lack of proper health care legalized murder? Is collateral damage murder? Are sanctions which only kill children and the sickly murder? Is the lack of a fair wage and a place to sleep murder? If parents can be held accountable for their children after birth and society finds it acceptable to punish them, then shouldn't all those who argue against healthcare, child support, food programs, and welfare, shouldn't they too be held accountable? Is invading a sovereign nation on trumped up charges murder? Did you protest Iraq? Did you cry these crocodile tears? So called pro life may be the biggest hypocritical religious position of modern America as none of these people want to support the living, feed the hungry, stop war, or follow their own phony stance and have lots of children. None would take care all the children born except to place them into servitude and condemn them. Hypocrites all.

Why is it men who cannot make this decision know the proper decision? Keep your religion out of other people lives.

Does pro-life include not eating and killing other life forms for surely they suffer and die at a more advanced level of life and feeling?

Each month a women, a couple, decide on whether the cells, the potential cells are to be discarded or if they are to attempt a conception and thus life. If they choose not to create life, is that OK, for surely this is life (cellular life) being discarded?

Two out of five (or more) conceptions end naturally, who is at fault here? Nature or gawd? Are these humans?

How is it that a decision, a moral judgment, that a women or a couple makes is thought of as wrong by another person or entity who have no authority to tell or command another person?

I repeat when anti abortion foes stop the needless deaths of living, feeling humans throughout the world who die every 15 seconds, when they even care and protest that this happens, when they protest wars that kill the innocent, when they provide welfare and care for the homeless and the hungry in America and the world, then I will take them serious. But till then they are hypocrites because their only desire is to control another who they give not a flying fluck about and probably condemn. It's so easy to be moral when nothing is demanded of you and you do nothing but preach and legislate.

"In the 1950s, about a million illegal abortions a year were performed in the U.S., and over a thousand women died each year as a result. Women who were victims of botched or unsanitary abortions came in desperation to hospital emergency wards, where some died of widespread abdominal infections. Many women who recovered from such infections found themselves sterile or chronically and painfully ill. The enormous emotional stress often lasted a long time."

I notice a lot of problems, but not any solutions to these problems, except attacks on pro-lifers for daring to stand-up for the lives of the unborn. How do you propose that we address hunger, poverty, and medical care?
I notice a lot of problems, but not any solutions to these problems, except attacks on pro-lifers for daring to stand-up for the lives of the unborn. How do you propose that we address hunger, poverty, and medical care?

That's easy, same way FDR, LBJ, and even Eisenhower did, build America. Buy American too, seems simple.
Yeah, that will make America stronger. It will not eliminate hunger and poverty, nor improve our medical system all that much. It's also difficult to get many people on board with the Buy American mantra in their daily lives...
Threedee, if everyone had your doom and gloom negativity we'd still be howling at the moon in our caves. Thankfully some have made real change. Republicans are not among the change makers as they are still fighting FDR. Maybe the book below could help you, maybe.

"Stiglitz draws on his deep understanding of economics to show that growing inequality is not inevitable: moneyed interests compound their wealth by stifling true, dynamic capitalism. They have made America the most unequal advanced industrial country while crippling growth, trampling on the rule of law, and undermining democracy. The result: a divided society that cannot tackle its most pressing problems. With characteristic insight, Stiglitz examines our current state, then teases out its implications for democracy, for monetary and budgetary policy, and for globalization. He closes with a plan for a more just and prosperous future."

A vote for Romney/Ryan is a vote against the fundamental idea of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.
Have fun with that. It generally envolves stripping everyone of their basic rights and forcing them to play along, but you have probably observed that yourself.
Have fun with that. It generally envolves stripping everyone of their basic rights and forcing them to play along, but you have probably observed that yourself.

Show me. It is easy to make broad statements, but show me. Show the reader. Examples please. Specifics.

More OT

"As anyone who rides Amtrak between New York and Washington knows, the trip can be a dissonant experience. Inside the train, it’s all tidy and digital, everybody absorbed in laptops and iPhones, while outside the windows an entirely different world glides by. Traveling south is like moving through a curated exhibit of urban and industrial decay. There’s Newark and Trenton and the heroic wreckage in parts of Philadelphia, block after block of hulking edifices covered in graffiti, the boarded-up ghost neighborhoods of Baltimore made familiar by “The Wire” — all on the line that connects America’s financial center and its booming capital city."
I don't see you giving any specifics... I fo see you with this naïve view of human nature and the world. You say I am just full of doom and gloom - I live in a world full of murder, drugs, abortion, lack of respect and dignity, human trafficking, war, drugs, and a whole host of problems. The world is gloomy without my permission or encouragement.

Also, stating that pro life people aren't consistent enough for you is not an argument; it's an excuse - to commit mass killings.
I don't see you giving any specifics... I fo see you with this naïve view of human nature and the world. You say I am just full of doom and gloom - I live in a world full of murder, drugs, abortion, lack of respect and dignity, human trafficking, war, drugs, and a whole host of problems. The world is gloomy without my permission or encouragement.

Also, stating that pro life people aren't consistent enough for you is not an argument; it's an excuse - to commit mass killings.

Every link contains specifics, you choose to deny reality. Pro life people are simply hypocrites, proof is easy as none fight poverty or death in the world. Instead they sit in their moral highchair and pretend to anguish over cellular life. If you are married I hope you abide by your religion and have lots of children. No masturbation either for that killing potential life.

Sure the world is full of insanity but that is no reason to sit on your ass and preach or pretend that's all life consists of. You have no answer so you turn the question to suit your empty views. Thankfully others act so that there is less doom and gloom.

"We don't see things as they are, we see them as we are." Anais Nin

"I’m bored is a useless thing to say. I mean, you live in a great, big, vast world that you’ve seen none percent of. Even the inside of your own mind is endless, it goes on forever, inwardly, do you understand? The fact that you’re alive is amazing, so you don’t get to say I’m bored." Louis C.K.