APP - The Problem with Giving America a Raise

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The Problem with Giving America a Raise
Amy Payne

February 20, 2014 at 6:10 am

In his State of the Union Address, President Obama told Congress to “give America a raise.” But as the job forecasts are revealing, he might as well have told them to “kill some American jobs.”

Why? Heritage experts forecasted months ago that a proposed minimum wage hike would kill the very jobs it’s supposed to support. But when the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said the same thing this week, it forced the White House and congressional liberals to defend their calls for the increase.

The CBO estimated that the wage hike Obama and his allies champion would cost 500,000 jobs.

The White House looks like it’s in denial. Jason Furman, chairman of the White House’s Council of Economic Advisers, countered the CBO report by claiming: “Zero is a perfectly reasonable estimate of the impact of the minimum wage on employment.”

Furman might not like the way the minimum wage affects hiring, but that doesn’t make it any less true.

>>> FACT SHEET: Facts About the Minimum Wage

There’s another problem with “giving America a raise”: Two-thirds of people making the minimum wage right now will be getting a raise within the next year.

And the reason this happens is much better than a government mandate—these workers are gaining skills and work experience, which lead to higher-paying positions.

But if the federal minimum wage is the source of their “raise,” it reduces the opportunities for these workers to get that experience and learn those skills. James Sherk, Heritage’s senior policy analyst in labor economics, explains:

Raising the minimum wage reduces the availability of these entry-level jobs, making it harder for less-skilled employees to acquire the experience necessary to move up. A minimum-wage increase would hurt the very workers Congress wants to help.

America’s workers are getting raises—and new entry-level applicants are moving into their jobs as they move up. We need more of these jobs, not fewer.
CBO is corrupted by NWO anti-human fascists. In reality, raising the minimum wage would put more money into the economy, because poor people spend their money instead of hoarding it in overseas accounts. The commandments of the NWO controllers are to put the American economy and the people who live in it on extinguish. Hence, we have globalization stupidity, and minimum wage stupidity.
anything that comes from the heritage is automatically suspect and as for the cbo report, it is possible to pick and choose what 'facts' they want
anything that comes from the heritage is automatically suspect and as for the cbo report, it is possible to pick and choose what 'facts' they want

Funny you weren't saying that when you were using it to push Obummercare. Then the CBO was sacrosanct. Different times then huh?
CBO is corrupted by NWO anti-human fascists. In reality, raising the minimum wage would put more money into the economy, because poor people spend their money instead of hoarding it in overseas accounts. The commandments of the NWO controllers are to put the American economy and the people who live in it on extinguish. Hence, we have globalization stupidity, and minimum wage stupidity.

It does not put money into the economy. You have a very weak understanding of economics and even less about running a business.

Your false assumption is that a small business is just sitting there with a pile of cash hoarding it. First off that is not true. But, even if it were, why is that any of your business? Who are you to tell people what they can and can't do with their property?

Artificially raising the minimum wage does nothing to improve the economy. It is the broken glass theory which postulates that a broken glass is actually god for the economy because the business owner has to pay the glass repair shop to fix it. It is a theory that has been debunked.

What is odd about the arguments you left wingers put forth is that you make people like Warren Buffett and Bill Gates who are mega billionaires the face of your property confiscation schemes, but when you put forth your plans you roll up people making $250,000 a year.

So how is it you confuse someone making $250,000 a year and Warren Buffett? Are you confused? Disengenuous? Outright lying?
there are liars, damn fool liars and statisticians, mark twain

anyone can twist statistical results to their own ends. the question is have they done so?

the ACA is here to stay, it is gaining in popularity and even if the reps were to gain control of congress, unless they gain a 2/3 majority in both houses, obama would veto any bill that repeals or defunds the ACA. so discussion whether it is good bad or indifferent is moot
CBO is corrupted by NWO anti-human fascists. In reality, raising the minimum wage would put more money into the economy, because poor people spend their money instead of hoarding it in overseas accounts. The commandments of the NWO controllers are to put the American economy and the people who live in it on extinguish. Hence, we have globalization stupidity, and minimum wage stupidity.

I see you did not read the articles nor want to expand your knowledge. Yay you.
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there are liars, damn fool liars and statisticians, mark twain

anyone can twist statistical results to their own ends. the question is have they done so?

the ACA is here to stay, it is gaining in popularity and even if the reps were to gain control of congress, unless they gain a 2/3 majority in both houses, obama would veto any bill that repeals or defunds the ACA. so discussion whether it is good bad or indifferent is moot

What statistics have been twisted?
CBO is corrupted by NWO anti-human fascists. In reality, raising the minimum wage would put more money into the economy, because poor people spend their money instead of hoarding it in overseas accounts. The commandments of the NWO controllers are to put the American economy and the people who live in it on extinguish. Hence, we have globalization stupidity, and minimum wage stupidity.
Wealthy people do not hoard money, they invest it. Which country is a matter of risk aversion value and cost. The cost hurts US not to mention value. Other countries have made themselves more attractive and so attract investment.
What statistics have been twisted?

if you are serious, listen to faux news, they have been banging the drum against the aca for as long as it has existed.

since i am retired i have no vested interest either way with the exception that it is more difficult to get an appointment to see my doctor, but not much.

i still advocate medicare for everyone rather than the aca. however, the aca is a good start.

just to add to the situation, where are all of the lower ranked care givers going to come from? immigrants? this may become the strongest driving force for immigration reform.
The Problem with Giving America a Raise
Amy Payne

February 20, 2014 at 6:10 am

In his State of the Union Address, President Obama told Congress to “give America a raise.” But as the job forecasts are revealing, he might as well have told them to “kill some American jobs.”

Why? Heritage experts forecasted months ago that a proposed minimum wage hike would kill the very jobs it’s supposed to support. But when the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) said the same thing this week, it forced the White House and congressional liberals to defend their calls for the increase.

The CBO estimated that the wage hike Obama and his allies champion would cost 500,000 jobs.

The White House looks like it’s in denial. Jason Furman, chairman of the White House’s Council of Economic Advisers, countered the CBO report by claiming: “Zero is a perfectly reasonable estimate of the impact of the minimum wage on employment.”

Furman might not like the way the minimum wage affects hiring, but that doesn’t make it any less true.

>>> FACT SHEET: Facts About the Minimum Wage

There’s another problem with “giving America a raise”: Two-thirds of people making the minimum wage right now will be getting a raise within the next year.

And the reason this happens is much better than a government mandate—these workers are gaining skills and work experience, which lead to higher-paying positions.

But if the federal minimum wage is the source of their “raise,” it reduces the opportunities for these workers to get that experience and learn those skills. James Sherk, Heritage’s senior policy analyst in labor economics, explains:

Raising the minimum wage reduces the availability of these entry-level jobs, making it harder for less-skilled employees to acquire the experience necessary to move up. A minimum-wage increase would hurt the very workers Congress wants to help.

America’s workers are getting raises—and new entry-level applicants are moving into their jobs as they move up. We need more of these jobs, not fewer.

So, what happened in this country from the 30's to the 80's when wages were high, labor as strong and everybody was making money?