The proper singular form of "cannoli" is "cannolo,"


1960s Chick Magnet
and I'm eating a delicious ricotta one from a North End bakery right now [with my coffee and Sambuca].

The Gestapo brought them home.

One time, a few years ago,
the fourth generation to run the place had a sign on the wall,

It read "Cannolis," with an "s" at the end of an already plural Sicilian word.

I actually tore it down off the wall and told them that the shop's founder was a close friend of my family,
and would have had a conniption if he had lived to see that sign in his bakery.
It's spelled correctly now, the Gestapo told me.

One little wrong righted in this world.
At least in can still happen in the North End.
and I'm eating a delicious ricotta one from a North End bakery right now [with my coffee and Sambuca].

The Gestapo brought them home.

One time, a few years ago,
the fourth generation to run the place had a sign on the wall,

It read "Cannolis," with an "s" at the end of an already plural Sicilian word.

I actually tore it down off the wall and told them that the shop's founder was a close friend of my family,
and would have had a conniption if he had lived to see that sign in his bakery.
It's spelled correctly now, the Gestapo told me.

One little wrong righted in this world.
At least in can still happen in the North End.

If I ever train for Jeopardy! I am looking you up.