APP - The questions I want the memo to answer

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
And I think EVERY patriotic American should want answers to these questions

1) Was the Steele dossier used in court proceedings to execute a FISA warrant on the Trump campaign
2) Was the Steele dossier vetted before it was used
3) Who paid for the dossier? Was it the Clinton campaign? The DNC? A combination?
4) What is Christopher Steele's relationship with Hillary Clinton and the DNC

Think about it. If some opposition research that was unverified was used to execute a FISA warrant against a competing campaign, that would be political explosive and make all prior Washington scandals to be child's play.

The DOJ is hiding behind the "thread to national security" ruse to keep this from coming out. But, all they are doing is delaying their day of reckoning. They should have learned from past scandals that the only way to move forward is to admit the mistakes and move on to correct them
BO certainly wielded government as a political tool to hithertofore unprecedented levels.
Got to be some consequences for that or you can expect more and more.
And that's regardless whose team is calling the shots.
BO certainly wielded government as a political tool to hithertofore unprecedented levels.
Got to be some consequences for that or you can expect more and more.
And that's regardless whose team is calling the shots.

Given the level of politicization of our intelligence agencies by the Obama administration and the level of bias from the media it makes Trump's win even more historic