The Radical Right Republicans and Democracy


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In the Radical Right Republican mind, it is a crime to give aid to voters in LONG lines which were created by the Radical Right Republicans. That is, in the Radical Right Republican mind, people, who give food and water to voters waiting in these LONG lines, are criminals.

In the Radical Right Republican mind, people, who bashed in the heads of Capitol police, and who intended to murder members of Congress and the Vice President, are NOT criminals. In the Radical Right Republican mind, these people were patriots and tourists.

Both of these cases CLEARLY show the EXTREME and PATHOLOGICAL hatred that the Radical Right Republicans have for our democracy.

In the first case, the Radical Right Republicans are trying to discourage millions of Americans from exercising their Constitutional right to participate in our democracy, by promoting policies that result in unnecessarily long voting lines, and by criminalizing actions to aid voters who are suffering in those long lines because they are in need of food and water. The Radical Right Republicans like to call these policies (which are OBVIOUSLY “voter suppression” policies) “voter integrity” policies. (That is, they are “putting lipstick on a pig”.)

In the second case, the head bashers and murderer-wannabes were trying to steal the election that Biden legally and rightfully won, in order to install Trump as our dictator-in-chief, and thus destroy our democracy.

The Radical Right Republicans are constantly trying to brainwash us into believing that the Democrats are actually “Radical Left Democrats” who are trying to impose socialism on us, which will eliminate many of our freedoms. Please note:

1: What the Radical Right Republicans call “socialism” is the Democratic policy to have the wealthy chip in to help average Americans. (The Radical Right Republicans ARE ok with having average Americans chip in to help the wealthy.)

2: The Radical Right Republicans want to instill a fear of “socialism” in the American people, in order to divert their attention from what they should ACTUALLY fear. That is, the loss of our democracy, where our democracy is replaced with one-party rule lead by an autocrat.

3: Unlike what the Radical Right Republicans call “socialism”, losing our democracy will ACTUALLY eliminate many of our freedoms. In fact, it may eliminate ALL of our freedoms!

Once again, I am reminded of the book entitled “Everything Trump Touches Dies” which was written by a Republican strategist. Under the leadership of Trump, and with the aid of the mini-Trumps (e.g., Ron DeSantis), the Trump chumps, the Trump mobs, the radical right media (e.g., Fox News), the Banana Republicans, the RepublicaNazis, Moscow Mitch, and the Radical Right Republicans, our democracy is NOW in the process of dying.

For all of us who love democracy, we should be afraid.
Let’s hope our democracy can be saved.
In the Radical Right Republican mind, it is a crime to give aid to voters in LONG lines which were created by the Radical Right Republicans. That is, in the Radical Right Republican mind, people, who give food and water to voters waiting in these LONG lines, are criminals.

In the Radical Right Republican mind, people, who bashed in the heads of Capitol police, and who intended to murder members of Congress and the Vice President, are NOT criminals. In the Radical Right Republican mind, these people were patriots and tourists.

Both of these cases CLEARLY show the EXTREME and PATHOLOGICAL hatred that the Radical Right Republicans have for our democracy.

In the first case, the Radical Right Republicans are trying to discourage millions of Americans from exercising their Constitutional right to participate in our democracy, by promoting policies that result in unnecessarily long voting lines, and by criminalizing actions to aid voters who are suffering in those long lines because they are in need of food and water. The Radical Right Republicans like to call these policies (which are OBVIOUSLY “voter suppression” policies) “voter integrity” policies. (That is, they are “putting lipstick on a pig”.)

In the second case, the head bashers and murderer-wannabes were trying to steal the election that Biden legally and rightfully won, in order to install Trump as our dictator-in-chief, and thus destroy our democracy.

The Radical Right Republicans are constantly trying to brainwash us into believing that the Democrats are actually “Radical Left Democrats” who are trying to impose socialism on us, which will eliminate many of our freedoms. Please note:

1: What the Radical Right Republicans call “socialism” is the Democratic policy to have the wealthy chip in to help average Americans. (The Radical Right Republicans ARE ok with having average Americans chip in to help the wealthy.)

2: The Radical Right Republicans want to instill a fear of “socialism” in the American people, in order to divert their attention from what they should ACTUALLY fear. That is, the loss of our democracy, where our democracy is replaced with one-party rule lead by an autocrat.

3: Unlike what the Radical Right Republicans call “socialism”, losing our democracy will ACTUALLY eliminate many of our freedoms. In fact, it may eliminate ALL of our freedoms!

Once again, I am reminded of the book entitled “Everything Trump Touches Dies” which was written by a Republican strategist. Under the leadership of Trump, and with the aid of the mini-Trumps (e.g., Ron DeSantis), the Trump chumps, the Trump mobs, the radical right media (e.g., Fox News), the Banana Republicans, the RepublicaNazis, Moscow Mitch, and the Radical Right Republicans, our democracy is NOW in the process of dying.

For all of us who love democracy, we should be afraid.
Let’s hope our democracy can be saved.

In the "mind" of leftist cunts asinine posts like the one above are created.
And you're a cunt.
Wow, not
In the Radical Right Republican mind, it is a crime to give aid to voters in LONG lines which were created by the Radical Right Republicans. That is, in the Radical Right Republican mind, people, who give food and water to voters waiting in these LONG lines, are criminals.

In the Radical Right Republican mind, people, who bashed in the heads of Capitol police, and who intended to murder members of Congress and the Vice President, are NOT criminals. In the Radical Right Republican mind, these people were patriots and tourists.

Both of these cases CLEARLY show the EXTREME and PATHOLOGICAL hatred that the Radical Right Republicans have for our democracy.

In the first case, the Radical Right Republicans are trying to discourage millions of Americans from exercising their Constitutional right to participate in our democracy, by promoting policies that result in unnecessarily long voting lines, and by criminalizing actions to aid voters who are suffering in those long lines because they are in need of food and water. The Radical Right Republicans like to call these policies (which are OBVIOUSLY “voter suppression” policies) “voter integrity” policies. (That is, they are “putting lipstick on a pig”.)

In the second case, the head bashers and murderer-wannabes were trying to steal the election that Biden legally and rightfully won, in order to install Trump as our dictator-in-chief, and thus destroy our democracy.

The Radical Right Republicans are constantly trying to brainwash us into believing that the Democrats are actually “Radical Left Democrats” who are trying to impose socialism on us, which will eliminate many of our freedoms. Please note:

1: What the Radical Right Republicans call “socialism” is the Democratic policy to have the wealthy chip in to help average Americans. (The Radical Right Republicans ARE ok with having average Americans chip in to help the wealthy.)

2: The Radical Right Republicans want to instill a fear of “socialism” in the American people, in order to divert their attention from what they should ACTUALLY fear. That is, the loss of our democracy, where our democracy is replaced with one-party rule lead by an autocrat.

3: Unlike what the Radical Right Republicans call “socialism”, losing our democracy will ACTUALLY eliminate many of our freedoms. In fact, it may eliminate ALL of our freedoms!

Once again, I am reminded of the book entitled “Everything Trump Touches Dies” which was written by a Republican strategist. Under the leadership of Trump, and with the aid of the mini-Trumps (e.g., Ron DeSantis), the Trump chumps, the Trump mobs, the radical right media (e.g., Fox News), the Banana Republicans, the RepublicaNazis, Moscow Mitch, and the Radical Right Republicans, our democracy is NOW in the process of dying.

For all of us who love democracy, we should be afraid.
Let’s hope our democracy can be saved.

Not when teabaggers ( are repeating Putin/Q NUT/Trump lies.
Not when teabaggers ( are repeating Putin/Q NUT/Trump lies.

when trump somehow won the GOP nomination I was more surprised than dismayed. Did anybody actually watch the fat ass during the debates? No facts, just silly ass insults and nicknames like a third rate Don Rickles. I was totally blown away when somehow this stupid fuck won the presidency, but my shock at him winning was more about my shock that so many stupid repubs could somehow vote for a piece of shit moron like trump. And even after 4 disastrous years, THEY STILL HAVE THEIR HEAD UP HIS ASS!! that is what is scary- there are that many stupid ass americans in this country.
When you have to write law to make it more difficult for citizens to cast their ballots, maybe it's time that you should consider your platform and your message. Maybe the citizens don't WANT your unworkable, fascist, corporations-over-citizens ideas, and that's why you can't win.

There's no "maybe" about it.
When you have to write law to make it more difficult for citizens to cast their ballots, maybe it's time that you should consider your platform and your message. Maybe the citizens don't WANT your unworkable, fascist, corporations-over-citizens ideas, and that's why you can't win.

There's no "maybe" about it.

funny how you claim republicans write laws limiting people's rights to vote... Yet Delaware has the same laws on the books that you are putting down.... Delaware is run by democrats
In the Radical Right Republican mind, it is a crime to give aid to voters in LONG lines which were created by the Radical Right Republicans. That is, in the Radical Right Republican mind, people, who give food and water to voters waiting in these LONG lines, are criminals.

In the Radical Right Republican mind, people, who bashed in the heads of Capitol police, and who intended to murder members of Congress and the Vice President, are NOT criminals. In the Radical Right Republican mind, these people were patriots and tourists.

Both of these cases CLEARLY show the EXTREME and PATHOLOGICAL hatred that the Radical Right Republicans have for our democracy.

In the first case, the Radical Right Republicans are trying to discourage millions of Americans from exercising their Constitutional right to participate in our democracy, by promoting policies that result in unnecessarily long voting lines, and by criminalizing actions to aid voters who are suffering in those long lines because they are in need of food and water. The Radical Right Republicans like to call these policies (which are OBVIOUSLY “voter suppression” policies) “voter integrity” policies. (That is, they are “putting lipstick on a pig”.)

In the second case, the head bashers and murderer-wannabes were trying to steal the election that Biden legally and rightfully won, in order to install Trump as our dictator-in-chief, and thus destroy our democracy.

The Radical Right Republicans are constantly trying to brainwash us into believing that the Democrats are actually “Radical Left Democrats” who are trying to impose socialism on us, which will eliminate many of our freedoms. Please note:

1: What the Radical Right Republicans call “socialism” is the Democratic policy to have the wealthy chip in to help average Americans. (The Radical Right Republicans ARE ok with having average Americans chip in to help the wealthy.)

2: The Radical Right Republicans want to instill a fear of “socialism” in the American people, in order to divert their attention from what they should ACTUALLY fear. That is, the loss of our democracy, where our democracy is replaced with one-party rule lead by an autocrat.

3: Unlike what the Radical Right Republicans call “socialism”, losing our democracy will ACTUALLY eliminate many of our freedoms. In fact, it may eliminate ALL of our freedoms!

Once again, I am reminded of the book entitled “Everything Trump Touches Dies” which was written by a Republican strategist. Under the leadership of Trump, and with the aid of the mini-Trumps (e.g., Ron DeSantis), the Trump chumps, the Trump mobs, the radical right media (e.g., Fox News), the Banana Republicans, the RepublicaNazis, Moscow Mitch, and the Radical Right Republicans, our democracy is NOW in the process of dying.

For all of us who love democracy, we should be afraid.
Let’s hope our democracy can be saved.

Question. Well, maybe request. What's your take on Radical Left Democrats? What do they want? I'd like to see a comparison.