The Rape of Europa


Will work for Scooby snacks
I'm leaving in a little while to check out this movie. Artists sticking it to the dig it.

The Rape of Europa

A feature documentary that takes the audience on an epic journey through seven countries and into a violent whirlwind of fanaticism, greed, and warfare that threatened to wipe out the artistic heritage of Europe. For twelve long years, the Nazis looted and destroyed art on a scale unprecedented in history. But heroic young art historians and curators from America and across Europe fought back, mounting a miraculous campaign that would rescue and return the millions of art works displaced by the war. Joan Allen narrates this chronicle about the battle over the very survival of centuries of western culture
Maybe they'll do something about this then, IF they CARE about western culture so much.
Today, however, the idea seems somewhat less risible. The French historian Alain Besancon is one of a number of European intellectuals who detect a significant threat to the continent’s traditional Christian culture. The Egyptian-born writer Bat Yeor has for some years referred to the rise of a new “Eurabia” that is hostile in equal measure to the United States and Israel. Two years ago, Pat Buchanan published an apocalyptic book, titled The Death of the West, prophesying that declining European fertility and immigration from Muslim countries could turn “the cradle of Western civilization” into “its grave.”

Such Spenglerian talk has gained credibility since 9/11. The 3/11 bombings in Madrid confirm that terrorists sympathetic to Osama bin Laden continue to operate with comparative freedom in European cities. Some American commentators suspect Europeans of wanting to appease radical Islam. Others detect in sporadic manifestations of anti-Semitism a sinister conjunction of old fascism and new fundamentalism.

Most European Muslims are, of course, law-abiding citizens with little sympathy for terrorist attacks on European cities. Moreover, they are drawn from a wide range of countries and Islamic traditions, few of them close to Arabian Wahhabism. Nevertheless, there is no question that the continent is experiencing fundamental demographic and cultural changes whose long-term consequences no one can foresee.

To begin with, consider the extraordinary prospect of European demographic decline. A hundred years ago—when Europe’s surplus population was still crossing the oceans to populate America and Australasia—the countries that make up today’s European Union accounted for around 14 percent of the world’s population. Today that figure is down to around 6 percent, and by 2050, according to a United Nations forecast, it will be just over 4 percent. The decline is absolute as well as relative. Even allowing for immigration, the United Nations projects that the population of the current European Union members will fall by around 7.5 million over the next 45 years. There has not been such a sustained reduction in the European population since the Black Death of the fourteenth century. (By contrast, the United States population is projected to grow by 44 percent between 2000 and 2050.)

With the median age of Greeks, Italians, and Spaniards projected to exceed 50 by 2050—roughly one in three people will be 65 or over—the welfare states created in the wake of World War II plainly require drastic reform. Either today’s newborn Europeans will spend their working lives paying 75 percent tax rates or retirement and “free” health care will simply have to be abolished. Alternatively (or additionally), Europeans will have to tolerate more legal immigration.

But where will the new immigrants come from? It seems very likely that a high proportion will come from neighboring countries, and Europe’s fastest-growing neighbors today are predominantly if not wholly Muslim. A youthful Muslim society to the south and east of the Mediterranean is poised to colonize—the term is not too strong—a senescent Europe.

This prospect is all the more significant when considered alongside the decline of European Christianity. In the Netherlands, Britain, Germany, Sweden, and Denmark today, fewer than 1 in 10 people now attend church once a month or more. Some 52 percent of Norwegians and 55 percent of Swedes say that God does not matter to them at all. Although the social and sexual freedoms that matter to such societies are antithetical to Muslim fundamentalism, their religious tolerance leaves these societies weak in the face of fanaticism.

What the consequences of these changes will be is very difficult to say. A creeping Islamicization of a decadent Christendom is one conceivable result: While the old Europeans get even older and their religious faith weaker, the Muslim colonies within their cities get larger and more overt in their religious observance. A backlash against immigration by the economically Neanderthal Right is another: Aging electorates turn to demagogues who offer sealed borders without explaining who exactly is going to pay for the pensions and health care. Nor can we rule out the possibility of a happy fusion between rapidly secularized second-generation Muslims and their post-Christian neighbors. Indeed, we may conceivably end up with all three: situation 1 in France, situation 2 in Austria, and situation 3 in Britain.

Still, it is hard not to be reminded of Gibbon—especially now that his old university’s Center for Islamic Studies has almost completed work on its new premises. In addition to the traditional Oxford quadrangle, the building is expected to feature “a prayer hall with traditional dome and minaret tower.”

When I first glimpsed a model of that minaret, I confess, the phrase that sprang to mind was indeed “decline and fall.”
To clarify, the only things to come out of the Hoover Institution are angry cadavers and intellectual pus. Thomas Sowell qualifies on both counts, amusingly enough.

SO does that means white culture, the very culture of modernity and tolerance, ISN'T being wiped off the face of the earth? What kind of idiotchild are you?
SO does that means white culture, the very culture of modernity and tolerance, ISN'T being wiped off the face of the earth? What kind of idiotchild are you?
Well, now that you've gone off on a completely unrelated tangent, I guess I'll bite.

No "white culture" is not being wiped off the face of the Earth.

First, there is no such thing as "white culture". That's a ridiculous phrase you've made up for reasons I'd rather not speculate on. The more standard "western culture" is, at best, a fuzzy gray notion . . . and it is even less threatened with extinction than is this mythical "white culture."
I'm assuming your avatar was the first victim in the monumental war for the preservation of "white culture"?
We are all going to wind being some shade of brown asshat.
Piss and moan if you want butt that is the way it will be.
What in God's name is an Urkel?

It sounds suspiciously like something a dirty lady gave a terrible acquaintance of mine, during the Summer of 1996, which made his little soldier very ill.
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Well, now that you've gone off on a completely unrelated tangent, I guess I'll bite.

No "white culture" is not being wiped off the face of the Earth.

First, there is no such thing as "white culture". That's a ridiculous phrase you've made up for reasons I'd rather not speculate on. The more standard "western culture" is, at best, a fuzzy gray notion . . . and it is even less threatened with extinction than is this mythical "white culture."

No such thing as white culture. What a laugh. May we call it European culture?

You need to learn to argue in otherwise besides trying to destroy terms for things you don't want to address.
Well, aside from the debate on "white" culture, this movie was good.

I never completely understood the Nazi elite's fascination with plundering art. In fact, they had whole government departments, and special military units to root out and plunder art in the nations they conquered. It was very systematic, orchestrated, and deliberate.

I learned that Hitler was an aspiring artist in his youth. I knew he was into architecture, but evidently he fancied himself quite the painter. And sometime in the 1920s, he was rejected from a famous art academy in Vienna. An art academy run by Jews. Hitler was infuriated at being rejected, and I'm sure that the Jewish nature of the academy didn't help his psychosis.

So anyway, Hitler had this lifelong obsession with art, and that was translated down to the Nazi elite, like Goering and Himmler. Its amazing how much stuff they plundered. The allies found a huge salt mine in germany after the war, just packed with millions of tons of priceless art from across europe.

And to the allies credit, the US Army actually had a special unit of art Officers, to root out and find a lot of the plundered stuff and return it to the rightful owners.
I'm confused...........

Is not Europa a distant small planet more along the lines of a moon?

Are we know raping distant planets?:wanna:
how would you compare our raping of Iraq to Europe rape.

The Europe invasion is more advanced. the native population is passified with white guilt and the Semites are colonizing the major metropolitan areas, and declaring themselves mini sovereign sharia states, subject only to their own self rule. And the western establishment is helping them.