APP - The Real James Comey


Former Vice President

WOW. When you read this, you really see a pattern of behavior by the so called boy scout James Comey. Apparently if he can't get the conviction on what he was originally looking for, he makes up some trumped obstruction of justice charge. So apparently if you claim to be innocent of a charge that you are never charged with, you have now obstructed justice.

This is kangaroo court stuff
Excellent article. WOW is the first thought that came to mind too the moment I finished it.
We really do live in strange times, don't we?
Excellent article. WOW is the first thought that came to mind too the moment I finished it.
We really do live in strange times, don't we?

I knew he was the guy who railroaded Martha Stewart, but I didn't know the rest.

There is a definite pattern we are seeing play out now isn't there?