APP - The real point of Florida election shenanigans


Sure the leftists are going to try to steal the election if they can. But what they are really doing is pulling a play from the Al Queda playbook. They are probing for weaknesses readying themselves for 2020. That is the election they want to steal.

When Desantis gets into office he needs to immediately work with the Republican legislature to clean this mess up and put Broward, Palm Beach and Dade on a really tight leash
"The real point" of the vote fiasco in Florida... that the state of Florida cannot learn how to operate a voting system that works.

All the other states seem to have mastered that technique.

FLORIDA seems to be unable to do it.
"The real point" of the vote fiasco in Florida... that the state of Florida cannot learn how to operate a voting system that works.

All the other states seem to have mastered that technique.

FLORIDA seems to be unable to do it.

Actually Frankie, I would agree to a point. It isn't the entire State. It is the same old three counties. Oddly enough those same three counties are the ones that ALWAYS screw up their elections. Is it a coincidence that they are dominated by the democrat party?

I don't think so
Actually Frankie, I would agree to a point. It isn't the entire State. It is the same old three counties. Oddly enough those same three counties are the ones that ALWAYS screw up their elections. Is it a coincidence that they are dominated by the democrat party?

I don't think so

Nice cigar.

The entire state is a massive voting problem. They might want to switch to that purple finger shit the Iraqi's used.

In any case, the last thing Democrats want to do is screw up heavily Democratic voter areas.
Nice cigar.

The entire state is a massive voting problem. They might want to switch to that purple finger shit the Iraqi's used.

In any case, the last thing Democrats want to do is screw up heavily Democratic voter areas.

So tell me what other areas are as jacked up as the three I mentioned?

Even the hurricane ravaged panhandle got their act together. But not these democrat counties. That's a fact Jack
So tell me what other areas are as jacked up as the three I mentioned?

Even the hurricane ravaged panhandle got their act together. But not these democrat counties. That's a fact Jack

The election is in the state.

EVERY other state in the US has heavily populated Democratic areas...and heavily populated Republican areas. Why is it in every election...the state of Florida is screwed up more than any of the other states?

But...if you feel better thinking the Democratic areas are screwed up because they are Democratic areas...go for it.

New Jersey, where I live, New York, California, Massachusetts, Illinois...are all heavily Democratic areas...AND THEY GOT THEIR RESULTS IN.
The election is in the state.

EVERY other state in the US has heavily populated Democratic areas...and heavily populated Republican areas. Why is it in every election...the state of Florida is screwed up more than any of the other states?

But...if you feel better thinking the Democratic areas are screwed up because they are Democratic areas...go for it.

New Jersey, where I live, New York, California, Massachusetts, Illinois...are all heavily Democratic areas...AND THEY GOT THEIR RESULTS IN.
You don't seem to understand -- there were no problems except in the same old couple of counties. The ones which always try to steal elections.
The election is in the state.

EVERY other state in the US has heavily populated Democratic areas...and heavily populated Republican areas. Why is it in every election...the state of Florida is screwed up more than any of the other states?

But...if you feel better thinking the Democratic areas are screwed up because they are Democratic areas...go for it.

New Jersey, where I live, New York, California, Massachusetts, Illinois...are all heavily Democratic areas...AND THEY GOT THEIR RESULTS IN.

I don't operate off of FEELS Frankie. That is a leftist tactic. I operate off of documented facts

The problem counties in Florida are Broward, Miami Dade and Palm Beach. That is a fact. They are run by democrats. That is a fact. No other counties in Florida have had the problems that these three have had. That is a fact.

No feels involved
You don't seem to understand -- there were no problems except in the same old couple of counties. The ones which always try to steal elections.

YOU don't seem to understand. There are Democratic strongholds in EVERY state...and that problem does not present itself...although it seems to arise in goddam near every FLORIDA election.

If you want to think the Florida Democratic population is more stupid than other Democratic populations just so you can blame a systemic problem on Dems...okay with me.

First of all...I AM NOT A DEMOCRAT...and secondly, I am loving the ignorance of the right wing responses.

I'm loving this bullshit. :)
I don't operate off of FEELS Frankie. That is a leftist tactic. I operate off of documented facts

The problem counties in Florida are Broward, Miami Dade and Palm Beach. That is a fact. They are run by democrats. That is a fact. No other counties in Florida have had the problems that these three have had. That is a fact.

No feels involved


Do continue. You guys are exactly what I needed after all that goddam shoveling.
So tell me what other areas are as jacked up as the three I mentioned?

Even the hurricane ravaged panhandle got their act together. But not these democrat counties. That's a fact Jack three of the states most POPULACE areas took longer to get their votes counted than the rest of the state.

What a shock.

Despite all the whining from Florida GOP officials, not a single credible instances of voter fraud has been found.

The Florida Department of State, which oversees elections, has not received any credible allegations of fraud or criminal activity.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement is not investigating the midterm elections, because there simply aren’t any credible allegations.

Election monitors with the Florida Department of Elections, who were deployed in Broward County for the midterms, have found no evidence of fraud.

And despite Scott’s rhetoric of “rampant fraud,” the lawsuits he’s filed so far haven’t produced any evidence to back up the claim.

You can push your conspiracy theories in an effort to further the narrative you support all you like, but the facts say otherwise.
You are JPP staff.

Is that a threat?

it's not a threat, I am trying to keep you on point and with an understanding of APP decorum. Coming into a thread and saying how you "love the ignorance of right wing responses" and "you are exactly what I needed after shoveling" is not civil discussion. you are mocking another poster and not posting in good faith. this forum is for civil and polite debate, and you should not be making arguments that go after people personally. attack ideas, not the posters.

From our rules:

2. No insults directed at specific individuals
3. No trolling
4. No flaming
5. No "Message Board Wars," please check personal vendettas at the door
6. No thread de-railment. Please stay on topic.

You should aim to be courteous, kind, patient, intelligent and receptive to one another.

it's not a threat, I am trying to keep you on point and with an understanding of APP decorum. Coming into a thread and saying how you "love the ignorance of right wing responses" and "you are exactly what I needed after shoveling" is not civil discussion. you are mocking another poster and not posting in good faith. this forum is for civil and polite debate, and you should not be making arguments that go after people personally. attack ideas, not the posters.

From our rules:

2. No insults directed at specific individuals
3. No trolling
4. No flaming
5. No "Message Board Wars," please check personal vendettas at the door
6. No thread de-railment. Please stay on topic.

You should aim to be courteous, kind, patient, intelligent and receptive to one another.

I apologize.

The apology is sincere...and without qualification.

I honestly forgot (or did not notice) I was in an APP thread. My posts were totally inappropriate for this area...and I thank you for correcting me.