APP - The real reason Alabama has a democrat Senator


Former Vice President

There is all sorts of talk about blaming President Trump for Roy Moore's loss in the Alabama Senate race, but that is political fabrication by the deep state and Never Trumpers.

We should remind everyone that Moore would have never been the nominee had Mitch McConnell not interfered in the primary. Why did McConnell interfere? Because Mo Brooks said he would not support McConnell as Majority Leader. Mo Brooks would have run away with the election.

Because of McConnell, they went into a run off with Moore and Strange and the Alabama voters didn't want to be told what to do by McConnell.

This defeat can be laid right at McConnell's feet
the real reason?.....Republicans who didn't vote because they were stupid enough to believe lib'ruls.......

Well that is true. Moore was a flawed candidate before the allegations. He never won any of his campaigns in a landslide.

GOP turnout was 50% of where it was in 2016

Dem turnout was 92% of where it was in 2016

It starts and stops there. But the fact remains that without McConnell interference Moore would have never been on the ballot

Now ironically we could have been back here again given Brooks’ recent diagnosis.