APP - The real reason for the Parkland shooting: Obama/Holder

Teflon Don

I'm back baby

Now all the pieces line up.

You see, I was wondering why there were all of these warning signs that were missed by school authorities. All sorts of reports of calls to police and the FBI and the school having all sorts of disciplinary problems. Yet with all of these reports of violence and threats there wasn't one single solitary arrest. Not one. Never. Nikolas Cruz had NO RECORD. So how would a background check have kept him from getting a gun? It wouldn't.

How are Obama/Holder responsible? Well, dig deep into your memory banks and think back to when they were bellyaching about "disparate outcomes" and minorities having higher arrest records than whites. Of course it couldn't have been because they commit more crimes. Nope, it was all, wait for it.........RACISM.

Yes, ladies and gentleman, our inherent racism is why blacks commit more crimes.

How did this impact Nikolas Cruz? Well, Obama/Holder provided money to schools that showed "improvements" in high schoolers being arrested. No arrests = More money. Like many things, instead of really dealing with the actual root causes they just redefine the behavior.

This explains why there was a 20-30 minute delay in the CCTV and why the Resource Office did nothing. The Resource Officer is there as a political tool, not to protect children. The tape delay is to allow them time to erase the crime that they redefine.

So in one sense the left is right. These murders were because of MONEY, but not because of donations by the NRA. No. These murders were because of corrupt school districts looking the other way as violent scumbags run free so they can get more gobblement dollars.

That is the real scandal. It all makes perfect sense now