APP - The real threat of the Russian collusion lies


Former Vice President
The real threat isn't in taking down President Trump. His base is too strong and too loyal for that to happen. The real threat is more campaign finance laws that will sound like they are really, really good, but are really intended to be incumbent protection programs and limitations on our rights, particularly free speech.

Politicians (RINOs and democrats) like their cushy jobs with great pay and lifetime benefits without expending much work. Most of these people aren't very bright that enter public office and it is the only venue in which anyone cares about what they think. They can't and won't give up that power easily. So they set about crafting laws to protect themselves. That is how we get gerrymandering. It is also why you hear so much about "public financing of elections". It sounds swell, but a publicly financed election would eliminate insurgent candidates from entering the race as incumbents would have built in advantages that do not require cash money.