The Redsox are in, and do it in losing fashion.


Verified User
So they lose a game and still get in because someone else lost. The real team in the AL East got in by winning. Oh, and Redsox Nation, you know how you were all SOOOOOO proud of how many wins you had against the Yankees in the beginning of the season? Well we finished up 9-9. So that impressive streak at the beginning of the season meant what? Nothing. Sit back and enjoy the New York Yankee show. On to the 40th American League Championship and the 27th World Series!
So they lose a game and still get in because someone else lost. The real team in the AL East got in by winning. Oh, and Redsox Nation, you know how you were all SOOOOOO proud of how many wins you had against the Yankees in the beginning of the season? Well we finished up 9-9. So that impressive streak at the beginning of the season meant what? Nothing. Sit back and enjoy the New York Yankee show. On to the 40th American League Championship and the 27th World Series!

Booooo! Yankees are the evil. They are the poster child for what is wrong with baseball. The Red Sox and Angels are not far behind. I will be pulling for the Rockies since they are the only team going to the playoffs that is not among the top nine in payroll and under a 100 million in payroll.

The Yankees incompetence as an organization is displayed by their inability to win more World Series.
Booooo! Yankees are the evil. They are the poster child for what is wrong with baseball. The Red Sox and Angels are not far behind. I will be pulling for the Rockies since they are the only team going to the playoffs that is not among the top nine in payroll and under a 100 million in payroll.

The Yankees incompetence as an organization is displayed by their inability to win more World Series.
God I hate hearing how the money is key to winning. You are right, the Yankees have proved that is not always so, but baseball in the US is the New York Yankees. But I can imagine that living in Tampa Bay and not really having a team there and all you might be down on the Yankees. Keep Hate Alive!
So they lose a game and still get in because someone else lost. The real team in the AL East got in by winning. Oh, and Redsox Nation, you know how you were all SOOOOOO proud of how many wins you had against the Yankees in the beginning of the season? Well we finished up 9-9. So that impressive streak at the beginning of the season meant what? Nothing. Sit back and enjoy the New York Yankee show. On to the 40th American League Championship and the 27th World Series!

we are 3rd best in the entire LEAGUE are you on crack??? we got in cause someone else lost??? - yeah, maybe its cause we won more games previously further back in the line.

congrats on being tied up. you must be very proud that at best you were able to break even against us
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The Tigers lost. They just threw it away in their last 5 or 6 games and last night it went on forever until they just fizzled. I'm disappointed.
we are 3rd best in the entire LEAGUE are you on crack??? we got in cause someone else lost??? - yeah, maybe its cause we won more games previously further back in the line.

congrats on being tied up. you must be very proud that at best you were able to break even against us
And finished 10 games up and over 100 d-d-d-d-d dats all folks.
and i would have prefered tigers won, cause I can see them lucksacking past the yankees in such a short series.
God I hate hearing how the money is key to winning. You are right, the Yankees have proved that is not always so, but baseball in the US is the New York Yankees. But I can imagine that living in Tampa Bay and not really having a team there and all you might be down on the Yankees. Keep Hate Alive!

Nonsense. They have proved that money is the key. Well, having a top team is the key, but when you spend 65 million more than the next biggest spender, that is likely. The Yankee organization is just incompetent enough to blow it some years.

If money is not key then explain why seven of the playoff teams are among the top nine payrolls? That's not just coincidence.

The Rays are built based on baseball knowledge, evaluating and developing talent. I was happy with their performance this year. They were competitive and with the disadvantages they face that's all you can hope for.
Nonsense. They have proved that money is the key. Well, having a top team is the key, but when you spend 65 million more than the next biggest spender, that is likely. The Yankee organization is just incompetent enough to blow it some years.

If money is not key then explain why seven of the playoff teams are among the top nine payrolls? That's not just coincidence.

The Rays are built based on baseball knowledge, evaluating and developing talent. I was happy with their performance this year. They were competitive and with the disadvantages they face that's all you can hope for.

rays sucked this year and they were a fluke last year. you're in denial. your team is a bunch of bandwagoning retards. OMGGG so many tampa ray idiots were in fenway last year and they probably had just learned what baseball was two weeks prior.

So glad tampa is where they belong now, 19 games out and completely forgotten. You're just the yankees and red sox farm. Just wait till we start scooping up the few good players you have when their contracts are up.
You don't know what you are talking about. They were in the wild card hunt until 'los got injured and they had that skid. They may have been better this year except the bullpen stunk.

The fact that the Yankees and Red Sox are able to scoop up players from other teams is due to the excessive payroll advantage. I really don't know why you'd brag about that. It's not a reflection on the organization or the fans. Well, bragging about is a reflection that you are all a bunch of ignorant twerps.

You are probably still pissed we kicked their asses last year, with half the payroll of Boston and a third that of the Yankees.
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rays sucked this year and they were a fluke last year. you're in denial. your team is a bunch of bandwagoning retards. OMGGG so many tampa ray idiots were in fenway last year and they probably had just learned what baseball was two weeks prior.

So glad tampa is where they belong now, 19 games out and completely forgotten. You're just the yankees and red sox farm. Just wait till we start scooping up the few good players you have when their contracts are up.

Don't look now, but I never used to see Redsox fans in Seattle until you fellows broke the Curse of the Bambino and started winning games and Series. Then, low and behold, the red-decked blighters poured into Safeco right around my birthday in May, and were about 50% strong. Fucking gay, not that many people move to the Pacific Northwest from New England!!
there are a lot of snowbirds... and red sox are known for their loyal fan base. boston is a passionate sports town period.
there are a lot of snowbirds... and red sox are known for their loyal fan base. boston is a passionate sports town period.

I've only ever been aware of the Yankees loyal fan base in Seattle until recently. So far, I have actually met one bartender who was a Sox fan prior to 2004, and that's it. He works at an Irish pub, so its somewhat acceptable for him to sport his Sox pride.

However, Seattle is home not only to many New Englaners, but also to a plethora of Californians (hard to say which group is larger, but at least the NE crowd has contributed to WA state culture with the spiffin' pronunciation of "Warshington," which I have adopted to the horror of many pure-bred Washingtonians), and you don't really see a lot of Dodgers, Padres, Angels, Giants, or even A's fans up here, although just about everyone has owned an A's cap at one time or another.
Don't look now, but I never used to see Redsox fans in Seattle until you fellows broke the Curse of the Bambino and started winning games and Series. Then, low and behold, the red-decked blighters poured into Safeco right around my birthday in May, and were about 50% strong. Fucking gay, not that many people move to the Pacific Northwest from New England!!

I use to like the Red Sox. I liked the Cubs too. Maybe, I just like the losers/underdogs, from conditioning as being a Bucs fan. The Red Sox fans were cool, before they won the WS. Now they are class A dicks and bandwagon jumpers.
I use to like the Red Sox. I liked the Cubs too. Maybe, I just like the losers/underdogs, from conditioning as being a Bucs fan. The Red Sox fans were cool, before they won the WS. Now they are class A dicks and bandwagon jumpers.
They made me so mad in the 90's I still won't watch baseball! I have replaced it with soccer!
They made me so mad in the 90's I still won't watch baseball! I have replaced it with soccer!

What? Because they did nothing in the 90s? One cool thing, though, was John Valentin's unassisted tripple-play against the Mariners around 1997. That was a a work of art!!