APP - The Relevance of Libertarians

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
To describe Libertarians relevance first lets give a a brief history of the Libertarian Party. I wish I could give you a comprehensive one but a brief history is all that is available.

1971. The Libertarian Party is founded in the Home of David Nolan
1972. Libertarians nominate their first Presidential candidate, John Hospers. He loses.
1976. Presidential candidate Roger MacBride receives 170,000 votes out of 70 million (0.24%). Sadly he loses.
1980. Ed Clark is nominated by the LP for President and receives a staggering 1 million votes. Sadly he loses by a whisker to Ron Reagan by 40 million votes.
1984 David Berglan comes in third for President but still loses. He is consoled by Walter Mondale.
1990. Nearly 2 million people vote for Libertarian candidates. Sadly they all lose. Cub fans rejoice.
2000. Libertarians boycott census and don't count.
2006. A break through year for Libertarians. Across the nation 4 Libertarians are elected to city councils.
2008 to Present. Not exactly a lot going on here folks.

Next let's discuss Libertarian accomplishments.

Well I searched google, my local University and the Library of Congress. Didn't come up with anything.

So let's study Libertarian's relevance by comparison.

Are Libertarians as relevant as Republicans?
No, Republicans organize politically, get elected and try to Govern. Libertarians don't.

Are Libertarians as relevant as Democrats?
No, Democrats try to organize politically, still manage to get elected and then govern. Libertarians don't.

Are Libertarians as relevant as a ham sandwich?
No, Ham Sandwiches are savory and taste good with mustard. Libertarians are bitter and taste icky.

Are Libertarians as relevant as French Fries.
Yes, French Fries are crunchy and taste good with ketchup. Libertarians are also crunchy and they too taste good with ketchup.

So there you have it folks. Libertarians are as relevant as French Fries.
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Mott you're developing either an obsession or a crush. It's unhealthy.

You could say the same thing about any third party since the 19th century. But you don't. Because for some bizarre, insecure reason your fixation seems solely directed toward libertarianism. Whether this stems from a failure to understand the ideology or a lack of personal experience with libertarians, I have no idea.

Another interesting point is that you constantly proclaim both that we are inconsequential politically and then in the next breath say that we have greatly influenced politics over the last thirty years. You can't have it both ways. You can either attempt to manufacture an non-existent connection between our movement and George Bush, or you can call us irrelevant. You just can't do both because it exposes your foolishness.

Bottom line: The Reformers, Greens, Populists, Socialists, Constitutionalists, Communists, have all failed even more spectacularly over generally a longer period of time. Yet you do not seem as fixated on them. You are transparent, Mott. It does you a great disservice.
Mott you're developing either an obsession or a crush. It's unhealthy.

You could say the same thing about any third party since the 19th century. But you don't. Because for some bizarre, insecure reason your fixation seems solely directed toward libertarianism. Whether this stems from a failure to understand the ideology or a lack of personal experience with libertarians, I have no idea.

Another interesting point is that you constantly proclaim both that we are inconsequential politically and then in the next breath say that we have greatly influenced politics over the last thirty years. You can't have it both ways. You can either attempt to manufacture an non-existent connection between our movement and George Bush, or you can call us irrelevant. You just can't do both because it exposes your foolishness.

Bottom line: The Reformers, Greens, Populists, Socialists, Constitutionalists, Communists, have all failed even more spectacularly over generally a longer period of time. Yet you do not seem as fixated on them. You are transparent, Mott. It does you a great disservice.

Its very simple:

The Constitution and American principles of govt. = Libertarianism
Mott you're developing either an obsession or a crush. It's unhealthy.

You could say the same thing about any third party since the 19th century. But you don't. Because for some bizarre, insecure reason your fixation seems solely directed toward libertarianism. Whether this stems from a failure to understand the ideology or a lack of personal experience with libertarians, I have no idea.

Another interesting point is that you constantly proclaim both that we are inconsequential politically and then in the next breath say that we have greatly influenced politics over the last thirty years. You can't have it both ways. You can either attempt to manufacture an non-existent connection between our movement and George Bush, or you can call us irrelevant. You just can't do both because it exposes your foolishness.

Bottom line: The Reformers, Greens, Populists, Socialists, Constitutionalists, Communists, have all failed even more spectacularly over generally a longer period of time. Yet you do not seem as fixated on them. You are transparent, Mott. It does you a great disservice.
When did I say "Libertarians have greatly influenced politics over the last thirty years?" as far as I can tell, they've influenced....well....nothing. LOL

BTW, thanks for demonstrating the truth of my comparison of Libertarians to a ham sandwich.
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Its very simple:

The Constitution and American principles of govt. = Libertarianism
Oh Come one 3D. What can you say about a political party who's motto "Individualist Unite!" is an oxymoron! :pke:

Also, have you ever noticed that their symbol is a big government statue? LOL
Oh Come one 3D. What can you say about a political party who's motto "Individualist Unite!" is an oxymoron! :pke:

Also, have you ever noticed that their symbol is a big government statue? LOL

When did I say "Libertarians have greatly influenced politics over the last thirty years?" as far as I can tell, they've influenced....well....nothing. LOL

BTW, thanks for demonstrating the truth of my comparison of Libertarians to a ham sandwich.

You have said numerous statements to that effect. You know it, I know it, and the readers of this thread know it. I'm not going to spend my time digging through archives to document something that we all already know to be true.

As I said before, Mott. Your prejudice and irrationality on this issue does you a great disservice.
You have said numerous statements to that effect. You know it, I know it, and the readers of this thread know it. I'm not going to spend my time digging through archives to document something that we all already know to be true.

As I said before, Mott. Your prejudice and irrationality on this issue does you a great disservice.
Show me where I've said that. I've always rediculed the LP for being all talk and no action. What have they ever accomplished? Please explain to me how it's irrational to recognise that ugly truth about the LP.

Show me the beef.