The Republican bloodbath in Iraq: Day 1,498


Will work for Scooby snacks

CNN Sunday: “U.S. military reports eight American soldiers killed in Iraq, including six who died with a civilian journalist in a roadside bombing northeast of Baghdad”
Civil War continues unabated:

An Iraqi market was bombed Sunday, just one of a series of attacks that killed at least 54 people in the state country. In addition to the market bombing, which killed 30 another car bomb struck the police headquarters in Samarra, a volatile city in the Sunni heartland 60 miles north of Baghdad, killing four police — including the police chief — and a bystander, police said. A few minutes later, militants in the town attacked a police checkpoint near the Askariya shrine, killing another police officer, police said.

Dozens of al-Qaida linked insurgents — some wearing masks and carrying video cameras and black banners — also paraded through the streets, arriving in about 40 cars, in a show of force against the U.S.-Iraqi efforts to tame the Tigris River city.
Suddenly, Republicans Have a Timeline

When Republicans had the chance to support the troops and the wishes of the American people, they chose to stand with George Bush and his failed policy in Iraq. But as concern grows about the political cost they might pay, Republicans are suddenly talking about timelines:

The House Republican leader said Sunday that GOP support could waver if President Bush's Iraq war policy does not succeed by the fall. [...]
..."By the time we get to September or October, members are going to want to know how well this is working, and if it isn't, what's Plan B?"

McClatchy newswire reports major incidents of political violence on Saturday.
These include:

' A civilian was killed and 5 others were injured when a suicide car bomb exploded targeting Al Karkh police station . . .

-11 anonymous bodies were found in different neighborhoods in Baghdad today.

-police said that a civilian was killed and 3 policemen were injured when an IED exploded near Haja Sabriyah mosque downtown Kirkuk city . . .

-5 civilians were injured when 4 Katyusha rockets hit Al Baradhiyah neighborhood downtown Basra city early morning today. . . '
Wasn't this said to take 6 weeks to 6 months ? Quotes and clips are available on the net if you need to search them out...

How many times have we heard "another 6 months"
Nayone who still believes that line is deficient in the judgement area.
***Sneaks In***

Wasn't this said to take 6 weeks to 6 months ? Quotes and clips are available on the net if you need to search them out...

How many times have we heard "another 6 months"
Nayone who still believes that line is deficient in the judgement area.

Golly Gee I remember the same saying way back in the day while on a beer break...after break it would have been all over for the NVA...but alas Liberals crying had more inflluence then thos on the ground...take a break US Cit...follow the link and see how it was done! beer break.htm

and not to forget... war is hell sometimes...:clink:
Golly Gee I remember the same saying way back in the day while on a beer break...after break it would have been all over for the NVA...but alas Liberals crying had more inflluence then thos on the ground...take a break US Cit...follow the link and see how it was done! beer break.htm

and not to forget... war is hell sometimes...:clink:

are you suggesting that foreign policy decisions about how best to use the military might of the department of defense should be left up to members of the armed forces serving in the theater?

I bet you think the best way to run a battalion is to ask the mess cooks.

are you suggesting that foreign policy decisions about how best to use the military might of the department of defense should be left up to members of the armed forces serving in the theater?

I bet you think the best way to run a battalion is to ask the mess cooks.

Now that was a good my answer would undeniably be yup...sorta/kinda as a Army does run on it's stomache...albet Navy food was mo betta! Get real Commander...ya have Damo all pissed at ya for your 'Gook' comments...***sigh*** was this not a WWII term???:rolleyes:
as a former military man, you should know that we never got involved in policy decisions. We went where the suits sent us and did what they wanted us to do until they told us to come home.

and to answer your question...I believe that gook came into the military lexicon during the Korean War.

as a former military man, you should know that we never got involved in policy decisions. We went where the suits sent us and did what they wanted us to do until they told us to come home.

and to answer your question...I believe that gook came into the military lexicon during the Korean War.

You may believe all ya want 'Commander' now demoted to Ensign...'Nips'/Gooks' was from WWII and although it was passed down the line to the Korean War as well as the VN was fron WWII!

And for your 'Suits' comment right you are as they were not in the heat of battle... well unless one considers elections a heated battle...God save us all the Lib's are retreating as we speak...I need a beer break...:pke:
Damn armchair warriors anyway.
Thanks for the beer break one though that brought back a few good memories...
the dollies were hot, but strangely I don't have a memory of them, but I do remember the beer and doobies.
You may believe all ya want 'Commander' now demoted to Ensign...'Nips'/Gooks' was from WWII and although it was passed down the line to the Korean War as well as the VN was fron WWII!

And for your 'Suits' comment right you are as they were not in the heat of battle... well unless one considers elections a heated battle...God save us all the Lib's are retreating as we speak...I need a beer break...:pke:

Nip is different than gook.... gook only came into use after Korea, not before.

The bottom line is: the civilians in DC have ALWAYS determined what the guys in uniform did... don't try to act shocked that it is happening now.

And no douchebag like YOU can ever demote me, asshole.

Nip is different than gook.... gook only came into use after Korea, not before.

The bottom line is: the civilians in DC have ALWAYS determined what the guys in uniform did... don't try to act shocked that it is happening now.

And no douchebag like YOU can ever demote me, asshole.

I don't have to demote did it to yourself with your profanity...'Ensign Pulver'...from a long ago squad commander...just a 2nd Lt back in the day...says you are full of caca..Mr.Do lunch with the

And I am not History has a way of repeating itself...were you also asleep in the Naval Academy class on this one...or too busy doing 'Lunches'

got some rides with the cav, some great and crazy guys.

LOL..I gotta say for the record though that the 'Hueys' were a 'Rattle Trap' I was scarred too...did I ever mention that the throw out bearing on the rear rotars were a
I must say that that post made nearly no sense.

do you always babble inanely like that?

perhaps agent orange?

I must say that that post made nearly no sense.

do you always babble inanely like that?

perhaps agent orange?

No, but I did have a couple of friends die from the results of 'Agent Orange' way down the pike in the height of their post war careers..Babble on Ensign more lunches with the enemies brass though! Thats about all ya learned at the Naval Academy...a sorry state of affairs!
LOL..I gotta say for the record though that the 'Hueys' were a 'Rattle Trap' I was scarred too...did I ever mention that the throw out bearing on the rear rotars were a

I believe it was 1st Cav hauled us around in the area of Duk and Dak to, I think I got those names right. Sort of a blur for various reasons...