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Trickledown tax cuts for the rich pay for themselves.
An excellent choice.
History, and most credible economists, have shown over and over that this theory does not do much except create more income equality. If you want the consumers -- who are the engine that drives our economy -- to purchase more, you need to let them keep more of their earnings. Giving tax cuts to the wealthy only allows them to park it in places where it does no good economically, other than for themselves.
The Repubs were cutting taxes for the wealthy anyway. But they needed a justification they could sell to the people who were going to get reamed again. Laffer came up with this explanation during a drinking session and wrote it on a bar napkin. It was ridiculous when presented . Then every damn Republican went in front of congress and spoke about this economic principle that was proven by an "economist". Slash taxes and you get more revenue. How nice, since they were only interested in the first part.
what issue first?