The Republicans Are Afraid--Document Shredding Truck Spotted On Way To Cheney's House


Senior Member
Look like the Bush administration is more concerned about the loss of the House and Senate than they are letting on. Time to begin destroying evidence. You can't do anything once the subpoena's are issued. Cheney always was the smartest of the two. He's getting an early start, evidently leaving nothing to chance.

Document Shredding Truck Spotted On The Way To Cheney's House...

Spotted on 10/19, by an eagle-eyed Wonkette reader: The Mid-Atlantic Shredding Services truck making its way up to the Cheney compound at the Naval Observatory.

Fun fact: Mid-Atlantic Shredding Services has been contracted by the Secret Service for our Executive Branch’s record-not-keeping needs.

The present contractor providing Pickup & Destruction of Sensitive Waste Material services is Mid Atlantic Shredding Services and the current rate is $0.095 cents per lbs.

You better get crackin’, Dick — that evidence won’t destroy itself!

For Beautiful Full Color Picture of Truck
UH OH, they must have found some more copies of his wifes book :)

LOL! I doubt it's anything as innocent as that. They could just burn any extra copies of that!!! Looks like they have some serious document shredding going on. Evidently they aren't going to be smuggling any of these documents out in Fawn Hall's bra and panties.