You write worse than Beavis and Butthead talk.
You write worse than Beavis and Butthead talk.
You're a piece of shit too.
trump is a total piece of shit.
I bet your proud of o bung holes and blow holes swap becoming a leader of the Taliban.
Next will come the beheadings and tourture of anyone one who helped up women being rapwd and killed all thanks to joe. And when groups like Al-Qaeda move back it and attack us we can all thank joe and o bung hole for making this possible.
Yes the current leader of the Taliban might be familiar to you he was one of the Taliban that Obama fall swaps for Bowe Bergdahl. Another great democrat plan followed by bidens even dumber plan . It all ties together massive stupidy from liberal leaders .
Both The Obama and Biten are total pieces of shit.
Sez goyim boy whose father, himself and spawn was to cowardly to serve in the military