The Return Exchange


Junior Member
I am soooooo, pissed, I have never been as upset in ly life....

I think Matt and I have been flagged for some reason, as a terrorist risk of some sort...? it is the only thing that makes sense, yet you know I am harmless, and a law abiding citizen.

A while back, for some strange reason, the Stock that I was cashing in was held up for 6 weeks, then when they agree to wire it to my bank, I can't get it wred in to our account for another 2 weeks, when it was suppose to be a day to wire transfer the funds...this was 30k and for 8 weeks through one flub up after another, so they said, I lost interest on this money and they would not give it to me...

Then, today, matt goes in to Staples to exchange some cd holders that said staples on them for some cd holders that were "generic" and had no name....he did not realize the ones he had, had their Staples name on it...

Well, they tell him that they need his Driver's License to do the exchange, and he gladly gives it to them, and then the computer comes back to deny the exchange from him because we have been rejected by the Return Exchange Company, who told them that we are at a high risk of returning items...(based off of his driver's license)... so matt says, who, what? That is IMPOSSIBLE, we don't return ANYTHING EVER, my closet is filled with items with tags on them that we have never returned, that don't even fit, because we do not make any returns, HOW COULD WE BE A HIGH RISK?

I ran our credit ratings about 3 months ago and they were through the roof, near 800 on both of us?

what the hell is going on in this country of ours?

so not only do you have to worry about your credit rating BEING CORRECT, you need to worry about your exchange rating to be correct? And both can screw you...

These cases were in a staples bag with the staples logos on them and they would not do the return or exchange for the generic ones...

I mean, am I some high risk person or is all of this stupid patriot act and kissing ass to businesses to EVEN ALLOW THEM TO HAVE ALL OF THE FALSE RECORDS ON ME AND MATT?

pajesus jimminee!

maine for right now, and I guess canada is next.... :(

thank God for global warming! :o
Oh well just send staples local and corp a letter explaining why you are taking your business elsewhere. your consumer vote.
but Staples is not the problem usc...why are we being reported as a high risk for the return exchange company who serves about 10 clients....all of whom I have never even shopped at and we don't even shop at staples, normally... Well, except home depot and lowes for the fix ups on the house for the sale of it....but we have returned nothing that we bought from them to them and they were not even on the list of participating stores, I don't think?

Well, anyway, another headache to deal with besides closing on this house, getting the new house inspected and finding a lawyer to represent us up there in maine on the house we are buying and of course packing up the whole house and finding a shed for the new house to use for the garage stuff until the garage is built, and a number of other things like calling to get the electric, cable etc connected up there and disconnected here etc...all in just 13 days before the movers get here...

Shoot, I better get off....I have ALOT TO DO....gees, can't wait until this is all over...then the shoutin'!!!

but Staples is not the problem usc

yes they are, I am sure they have an agreement/contract with that commpany. Destroy the demand for a product and that product goes away.
Somebody clearly has given your husband's DL when making an exchange, and once it worked they did it often enough to make it so your husband got rejected.

It was probably somebody working at a retail store that just randomly put in his number.