The Revolution is trying to provoke Right Violence


ButterMilk Man
So that they have an excuse to outlaw conservatives and all other resistance to the Revolution.

You have been warned.
So that they have an excuse to outlaw conservatives and all other resistance to the Revolution.

You have been warned.

its all over for your kind

This is not a current event.

It fits all reasonable is something that is going on right now.

It is the most important thing politically that is going on in America right now.

I think that you owe me an explanation.
This is not a current event.

I have to disagree with you on this, it is. From what I know of your background you more than most should know that not only are false flags real they are far more common than most Americans will ever know. If you relegate this to the Conspiracy forum then I would expect 90% of guno's bullshit to be moved here too and that's only one of them, your progs on this forum are really fucking good at conspiracy, I'd say most of what is posted in your current events forum could be moved here.
Slightly off topic but not really:

So let’s recap. We have the Military, using extremism as an excuse to rid itself of Trump supporters, or any one else who won’t march lockstep in support of efforts to undermine the Constitution. We have a former Military and long time CIA Officer advocating the treatment of U. S. citizens as insurgents. What does all of that add up to? Nothing good.

Mike is a graduate of the US Military Academy (Class of 1980) and honor grad of the US Army Ranger School. He’s taught PsyOps at the JFC Special Warfare Center. After Mike left the Army he worked in the private sector management (manufacturing) and as a deputy sheriff (sergeant) in Florida. Mike was a reservist during the invasion of Iraq and held a senior active duty command billet mobilizing troops and later served as chief of staff to a theater support command where he says he “fed an entire Theater Army with one case of MREs and carried away 7 Fast Sealift Ships of leftovers.”

Remember that I have been talking for weeks about how the Revolution has taken the military, how they have put so much effort into that over a lot of years and have done it very well....these fuckers under stand to get to keep it.
So that they have an excuse to outlaw conservatives and all other resistance to the Revolution.

You have been warned.


The only 'revolution" was perpetuated by teabagger/Q NUTS.

The Do Nothing Democrats and their leader, the Fake News Lamestream Media, are doing everything possible to hurt and disparage our Country. No matter what we do or say, no matter how big a win, they report that it was a loss, or not good enough. The Enemy of the People!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 5, 2020

Who is trying to outlaw who?

BTW, we love conservatives, all governments, federal, state and local, need as many as we can find.

The self proclaimed "conservatives", not so much, they are everything but.

Teabaggers claiming it's "others" that provoke them to violence?

NOW, everyone knows how weak minded a teabagger actually is.
So that they have an excuse to outlaw conservatives and all other resistance to the Revolution.

You have been warned.

leave it to an easily frightened, ignorant trump voter to call the results of a peaceful, free and fair election a REVOLUTION.....which biden won by 7 million votes and 74 electoral college votes....god, what a chickenshit liar. and nobody is afraid of chickenshit right wing pussies talking about warnings and silly shit like that. bring it on, bitch. you got the talking part over with.
leave it to an easily frightened, ignorant trump voter to call the results of a peaceful, free and fair election a REVOLUTION.....which biden won by 7 million votes and 74 electoral college votes....god, what a chickenshit liar. and nobody is afraid of chickenshit right wing pussies talking about warnings and silly shit like that. bring it on, bitch. you got the talking part over with.

They listen to too much right-wing propaganda and believe without question. People like Carlson, that even FOX News cannot be held accountable or sued because he does not stick to the truth and that it is a well known fact. Notice now that even "sources" like newsmax and FOX are back peddling on their election claims the second they realize that companies and organizations that were falsely implicated in the Big lie that they had part in some in "stealing" the election are now taking them to court. The upside being that by the time the next election rolls around the liars will be more cautious with their Lies because they can be held liable for those Lies.

I find it amusing that every time there is an election that the Right will always scream about how the Left is going to take everyone's Rights away, round up the Conservatives and put them in Concentration Camps, and turn the Nation into a Communist or Socialist Nation and of-course it never happens, and yet time after time the weak minded buy into the same Lie every time. It is why even trump said he would run for office as a Republican, because righties are gullible and are easily manipulated, Grifters know who the Rubes are.
leave it to an easily frightened, ignorant trump voter to call the results of a peaceful, free and fair election a REVOLUTION.....which biden won by 7 million votes and 74 electoral college votes....god, what a chickenshit liar. and nobody is afraid of chickenshit right wing pussies talking about warnings and silly shit like that. bring it on, bitch. you got the talking part over with.

the revolution is the banker/china takeover of the world.