Diversity Makes Greatness
It was easy to argue for the left.
All that is required is to post the facts and back them up with links to solid credible sources.
The right shoots itself in the foot because the right TRIES to define the left with a bunch of made-up nonsense.
The left doesn't have to make up anything about the right. The right is so bad, all the left needs to do is state the facts.
The left is solidly footed in reality, the right is hopelessly lost in propaganda.
The right is obsessed with the left, fixated, gripped with hatred and fear.
The left is astonished at the right.
If you ask the left what is wrong with the right you will get a fairly accurate description. No need to embellish.
If you ask the right what is wrong with the left you will generally get fantasy and fabricated falsehoods.
Sure, there are exceptions on both sides. I'm certainly speaking of generalities here.
But the stark difference cannot be ignored. It's real.
The biggest problem for the right is it constantly attempts to redefine the left, and in so doing it defines itself as fake.
All that is required is to post the facts and back them up with links to solid credible sources.
The right shoots itself in the foot because the right TRIES to define the left with a bunch of made-up nonsense.
The left doesn't have to make up anything about the right. The right is so bad, all the left needs to do is state the facts.
The left is solidly footed in reality, the right is hopelessly lost in propaganda.
The right is obsessed with the left, fixated, gripped with hatred and fear.
The left is astonished at the right.
If you ask the left what is wrong with the right you will get a fairly accurate description. No need to embellish.
If you ask the right what is wrong with the left you will generally get fantasy and fabricated falsehoods.
Sure, there are exceptions on both sides. I'm certainly speaking of generalities here.
But the stark difference cannot be ignored. It's real.
The biggest problem for the right is it constantly attempts to redefine the left, and in so doing it defines itself as fake.