APP - the right hoists itself on its own petard

the right has been going on about how many people are claiming ss disability, however, as the charts in this article show, it is members of the right that are receiving the most of those disability payments...

the article is too large to copy and paste so i will only post the link

Oh well, by all means then, the right should demand more money be spent on disability! Since it's mostly righties who are getting it, we should all be for more of it, because they are righties and not lefties. We've always thought it was only lefties who got disability, and this was the reason we opposed it, but now that this study shows it's righties, we need to rethink our policy initiatives!
the right has been going on about how many people are claiming ss disability, however, as the charts in this article show, it is members of the right that are receiving the most of those disability payments...

the article is too large to copy and paste so i will only post the link

This is a bogus analysis and I cant believe a grown, so called educated adult is actually to pass off this collection of data as a proof point.

That being said, I am sure there are so called righties who complain about gobblement spending yet are first in line for their gobblement check. They are no different than the lefties who preach "I want to pay more in taxes" yet scrounge for every deduction they can at tax time trying to limit their tax liability.
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I had this one figured out without the charts.

Look at the upturn. More ppl nearing late middle age apply for SSI during weak economic times rather than look for a job. Many baby boomers are approaching that age. The majority of conservatives are older, therefore the majority of SS apps are from conservatives.