The rights world of lies


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What they believe in and what they do is best shown by the 14000 lies that the turd has thrown out since the beginning of his time in office and being the leader of the right. Why the lies because the truth is just that ugly, they are nothing but a organized hate group and that's proved every time any of them open their mouths and it nothing but lies or distortions , they wouldn't or couldn't exist if the didn't operate that way. The truth would destroy them and yes all verifiable lies from the polished turd are believed by his followers. They sold out this country and they spit on the constitution and pissed on the flag. The patriots of this country have to stop them and we will.
which is why Rodger Ailes and Richard Nixon planned for a FOX type news station

Rupert Murdoch was their dream boy

and now they have a whole shit bag station to support their lies

The Times’ comparison of Trump and other presidents implies that all lies are equally damnable. The Times ignored all the Obama false promises used to justify his troop surge in Afghanistan (which resulted in more than a thousand dead American troops with nothing to show for the sacrifice) and bombing Libya (which now has slave markets). But killing vast numbers of human beings should require more due diligence than assertions on federal spending for peanut subsidies.
The Times’ comparison of Trump and other presidents implies that all lies are equally damnable. The Times ignored all the Obama false promises used to justify his troop surge in Afghanistan (which resulted in more than a thousand dead American troops with nothing to show for the sacrifice) and bombing Libya (which now has slave markets). But killing vast numbers of human beings should require more due diligence than assertions on federal spending for peanut subsidies.

Do you have children? If you are disciplining one of them and he says, my brother did it too" do you say OK . Or do you say, we are not talking about your brother. we are talking about what you did.
You are simply changing the subject, not responding to it. Or are you a kid?
Let's move to Abu Ghraib. That was Bush, but it seems the rules of relevancy are gone now.