The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt


Directed by Martin Scorcese and starring Leonardo Decaprio will be released in 2008 .. something to look forward too!
I liked him, but I didn't like his imperialist ideas. I've come to a conslusion, however, that you can find something wrong with pretty much every president. In the past, I've decided that Freddy Roosevlete and even Abraham Lincoln were bad because of some of their conducts, but lately I've come around to realizing many of their greater points. I still think that many presidents are only considering super-great simply because of the fact that they happened to be president during a war, however.
I liked him, but I didn't like his imperialist ideas. I've come to a conslusion, however, that you can find something wrong with pretty much every president. In the past, I've decided that Freddy Roosevlete and even Abraham Lincoln were bad because of some of their conducts, but lately I've come around to realizing many of their greater points. I still think that many presidents are only considering super-great simply because of the fact that they happened to be president during a war, however.

TR wasn't president during any wars.

And lets face it. In the 18th and early 19th century, being an expansionist was part of the mainstream american character. TR wasn't an anomoly. You know, the whole manifest destiny thing.
He was involved in quite a few "operations", including "operations" that resulted int he deaths of several hundred thousand rebellious Filipinos.
I look at Presidential History this way.. were they the right person at the right time while they served? Sometimes you need to put ideology aside and look at the times. For example ... I believe FDR was a great President because he was the right person at the right time.. and many of his Socialistic policies were a neccessity ... and they helped Citizenry security which in turn, having given American Citizens increased financial secirity was a neccesity in assiting overall National Security by means of contributing to the overall betterment of the Country. He created a win win situation.
Teddy on the other hand as Cypress says .. was a true Progressive! A renaissance man, a man way before his time. He was a man of the people and was not afraid to go nose to nose with the power brokers of the time. In those days the regular working stiff needed someone to go to bat for them... Teddy rose to the occasion. Again..he was a neccessary voice coming along at the right time.
Well said Klattu.

TR wasn't perfect. No american president ever has been. '

He was the right man for his time. The working stiffs, as you say, definetly needed somebody to go to bat for them. That's a great way you put it.
OK, I made basically the same point you two just did. Then Cypress questioned me, and I told him the truth, Teddy killed a damn truckload of Filipino's. Everyman has the weak points in his presidency, because everyman is only one man and by concentrating so much power in only two hands we bring into fold all of his various extremities, this was it.
OK, I made basically the same point you two just did. Then Cypress questioned me, and I told him the truth, Teddy killed a damn truckload of Filipino's. Everyman has the weak points in his presidency, because everyman is only one man and by concentrating so much power in only two hands we bring into fold all of his various extremities, this was it.

You were right. I think Teddy was president during the bloody and costly occupation of the Phillipines. Not "formally" a war, but definetly a war in all other respects.

Kind of like Iraq.