The role of the humanities in university education


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Once again, there are signs of deep trouble for the humanities in higher education — in the Western world, if not the world as a whole. News of closures trickles in relentlessly.

But the chief problem for the humanities today isn’t their failure to be more inclusive, a vague term whose meaning is fleeting. Rather, the humanities are ailing principally because many faculty members do not have faith in the spirit of humanism: the crucial role that profound works of literature, religion, art, and philosophy can play in shaping our imaginations and allowing us to ponder life’s great questions in a manner that encourages us to live up to our higher potentialities.
Humanities are now a route to conduct WOKE indoctrination....nothing more.

We are being deceived.....the Regime does not want us to see that the Universities are gone...that they were captured by the Revolution.
Humanities are now a route to conduct WOKE indoctrination....nothing more.

We are being deceived.....the Regime does not want us to see that the Universities are gone...that they were captured by the Revolution.
You have profound mental problems.
Once again, there are signs of deep trouble for the humanities in higher education — in the Western world, if not the world as a whole. News of closures trickles in relentlessly.

But the chief problem for the humanities today isn’t their failure to be more inclusive, a vague term whose meaning is fleeting. Rather, the humanities are ailing principally because many faculty members do not have faith in the spirit of humanism: the crucial role that profound works of literature, religion, art, and philosophy can play in shaping our imaginations and allowing us to ponder life’s great questions in a manner that encourages us to live up to our higher potentialities.
This is fascinating since education in America has been controlled by leftists for DECADES. Its kind of like hearing people complain how badly inner cities in America are doing even though they have been run by Democrats for 50 years. Reasonable people might conclude that's the leadership is the problem but no one has claimed leftists are reasonable have they?