The salvation of America is in the revival of progressivism


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Progressivism - the roaring 20s. Golden time for the USA and the whole world, the victory of the Revolution. Only progressivism will save America and the world. It needs to be restored exactly the way it was. Destruction of corporations, war on alcoholics, defending the rights of the proletariat. The traditional right was the heir of the progressives. Trump is not a progressive. Down with Trumpism.
Progressivism - the roaring 20s. Golden time for the USA and the whole world, the victory of the Revolution. Only progressivism will save America and the world. It needs to be restored exactly the way it was. Destruction of corporations, war on alcoholics, defending the rights of the proletariat. The traditional right was the heir of the progressives. Trump is not a progressive. Down with Trumpism.

You want a war on alcoholics? Odd thing to say.
“Regulatory standards for SVB were too low, the supervision of SVB did not work with sufficient force and urgency, and contagion from the firm’s failure posed systemic consequences not contemplated by the Federal Reserve’s tailoring framework,” Mr. Barr wrote in the report.
“Regulatory standards for SVB were too low, the supervision of SVB did not work with sufficient force and urgency, and contagion from the firm’s failure posed systemic consequences not contemplated by the Federal Reserve’s tailoring framework,” Mr. Barr wrote in the report.

The Federal Reserve System is an anti-people institution of bankocracy. America and the world were booming until the left-wing crooks crash the market in 29th.
Progressivism - the roaring 20s. Golden time for the USA and the whole world, the victory of the Revolution. Only progressivism will save America and the world. It needs to be restored exactly the way it was. Destruction of corporations, war on alcoholics, defending the rights of the proletariat. The traditional right was the heir of the progressives. Trump is not a progressive. Down with Trumpism.

Rambling lunacy that says nothing.