The Second Panic


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Repealing the XVI Amendment has been the most important issue facing freedom-loving Americans since 1913. In more than a century, repealing the tax on income was never mentioned in Congress, or by presidents, let alone debated.

H.R.204 — 116th Congress (2019-2020)

116th Congress H. R. 204
1st Session

To end membership of the United States in the United Nations.


January 3, 2019

Mr. Rogers of Alabama introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs


To end membership of the United States in the United Nations.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,

Withdrawing from the United Nations does not require a constitutional amendment.

Withdrawing from the United Nations has been the second most important issue facing freedom-loving Americans since 1945. Throughout most of those years withdrawal was never mentioned by Television Mouths let alone debated by the public. Renouncing U.S. membership in the U.N. is finally creeping its way into public discourse.

A groundswell movement on Social Media to send the United Nations packing is picking up speed. A withdrawal movement beyond Democrat control sent elected Democrats into a panic a thousand worse than the first panic that crippled Democrats emotionally. The demise of the Soviet Union was the first and the worst bad thing that ever happened to American Communists.

After American Communists brought defeat to their own country in the Vietnam War they were certain Soviet Communists would be in power forever. Their victory in the Vietnam War convinced Democrats that toppling Communists from power anywhere in the world would never happen. That it could happen once told Democrats it could happen again. Hence, the panic among top Democrats.

The second Democrat panic is a defeat of their own making with a lot of help from the World Health Organization’s record of corruption.

As fate would have it, Democrats conspiring with their television mouthpieces set out to tighten the U.N.’s grip on American foreign policy with coronavirus scare tactics, but the opposite is taking place.

NOTE: So long as Democrats hold onto number of seats in one, or both, Houses of Congress, withdrawal is not going to be easy. Not only can a powerful minority prevent withdrawal, they can pay for a return to power in spending bills.

In any event first things first. Withdraw from the U.N. before the election in November, then defeat so many Democrats on election day the few Democrats that hold on will be completely powerless. Put in perspective by imaging Pelosi and Schumer so powerless they can no longer buy voters with tax dollars.

This is what I have been praying for for so long I will be eternally thankful my prayer was answered before I check out.

It is magnificent to see President Trump call for a complete and total shutdown of U.S. funding of the World Health Organization until we can figure out what the hell is going on. Now he must do the same for the whole United Nations behemoth.

The "Chinese Health Organization," as Japanese Deputy Prime Minister Taro Aso calls WHO, has a long track record of being political and corruptible.

In 2017, WHO's director general, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, made murderous Zimbabwean dictator Robert Mugabe a goodwill ambassador before rescinding the appointment under backlash.

It's no surprise, then, that Tedros reacted with fearmongering to Trump's Tuesday announcement that he would halt funding of the United Nations agency.

"If you don't want many more body bags, then you refrain from politicizing it," Tedros said.

The arrogance is almost too much to stomach.

The American taxpayer is responsible for 22% of the WHO 2020-21 fiscal year budget, an astounding $236.9 million. For comparison, China volunteered about half of that, just $129 million. According to Forbes, $3.5 billion in U.S. taxes have gone to the WHO in the last decade alone. The U.S. also funds about 22% of the U.N.'s budget.

Before Trump's defunding decision, the whole world witnessed undeniable evidence of the politicization of the World Health Organization. The shocking moment took place when WHO's COVID-19 response leader, Canadian epidemiologist Bruce Aylward, appeared to disconnect his Skype connection with Hong Kong reporter Yvonne Tong.

In the viral news clip, Tong persists in asking whether WHO might consider granting Taiwan membership status. It doesn't take a body-language expert to notice Aylward's discomfort at the question, one the Chinese prefer to go unaddressed.

Aylward goes silent for nearly 10 seconds before Tong asks, "Hello?"

"I'm sorry, I can't hear you. I couldn't hear your question, Yvonne," Aylward stutters before interrupting Tong to say, "No, that's OK, let's move to another one then."

Trump is not alone in his criticism of the WHO; he's just the only one willing to actually do something about it. In 2017, the London School of Economics and Political Science noted many "structural concerns that need to be addressed if the WHO is to continue in the role the global health community expects it to play."

Now, all patriots should ask Trump not to treat the U.N. with kid gloves any longer. It is, after all, the creator of the WHO and is abdicating its authority in properly regulating it.

Some Trump supporters may not want too much more to be asked of the president at this time of economic calamity and, oh yeah, a presidential election.

However, Trump only needs to finish what his administration started its first week in power. In January 2017, two executive orders were drafted for "at least a 40 percent overall" cut in U.N. funding, the New York Times reported. They were never finalized or signed.

In April 2017, Trump spoke at a luncheon of the U.N. Security Council ambassadors.

"I have long felt the United Nations is an underperformer but has tremendous potential. There are those people that think it's an underperformer and will never perform," he said.

If any potential remains, it is declining as long as the status quo is secured. The anxiety surrounding the U.N. and other international bodies prior to Trump's election and inauguration has subsided.

Remember that the U.S. pays 22% of the U.N.'s budget. But that's just its regular budget, not including other agencies the US supports, including the International Atomic Energy Agency and the Food and Agriculture Organization.

The IAEA receives $200 million annually from the U.S., about 25 percent of its budget. China, the next largest provider, gives less than half that.

The FAO takes in some $290 million yearly from the United States, over 29% of its annual budget. It produces silly hashtag activism articles like this: "6 ways indigenous peoples are helping the world achieve #Zero Hunger."

Additionally, the U.S. covers some 30% of the U.N.'s "peacekeeping" missions. How'd that work out in Rwanda, Sri Lanka and Sudan?

In his unprecedented 2016 campaign, Trump keenly observed exactly what Americans have long known, that the United Nations is a boondoggle. It forces this country into a position diametrically opposed to putting America first.

Necessary action has yet to be taken to secure America's independence from these globalist bureaucracies. What better time than now, amid a crisis of foreign origin, for Trump to knock his naysayers back on their heels?

To truly push back against China and the World Health Organization, Trump should aim at the U.N. If he lets this moment pass by, another one may never come again.

Trump defunded WHO – next up should be the U.N.
Exclusive: Gavin Wax hopes globalist body that puts 'America last' also gets the ax
By WND Guest Columnist Gavin Wax
Published April 17, 2020 at 7:10pm

Gavin Wax is president of the New York Young Republican Club, chair of the Association of Young Republican Clubs, an associate fellow at the London Center for Policy Research, a frequent guest on Fox News and publisher of The Schpiel. You can follow him on Twitter at @GavinWax.
the u.n. is an awful, shitty, duplicitous organization that sucks balls and should die. -- nancy pelosi

To AssHatZombie: Is that an actual quote? If so, please provide the link.

Here is an addition to the OP:

I am celebrating Christmas in April. Here is a topic exposed in a blockbuster documentary that I swore would never see the light of day in my lifetime:


On April 10, an underground documentary with no publicity landed on YouTube and amassed one million views in 24 hours. Despite YouTube’s efforts to hide it, Out of Shadows continues to attract more than a million viewers a day, lifting the mask “on how the mainstream media and Hollywood manipulate and control the masses by spreading propaganda throughout their content.”

“Why do you believe what you believe?” asks Mike Smith, a former star stuntman for Hollywood action films, who produced and self-funded the film. Mike tells the story of how he began delving into the messages of the high-budget films he worked on, after an injury sidelined him. To his shock, he discovered that “we have all been lied to and brainwashed by a hidden enemy with a sinister agenda.”

Mike’s investigation revealed a host of CIA programs he sees as designed to control the public’s beliefs and deflect attention from massive governmental crimes. With the help of Kevin Shipp, a CIA whistleblower, and fellow star stuntman Brad Martin, Mike leads viewers through a labyrinth of horrifying CIA programs that wage psyops (psychological operations) against the American people.

These programs date back to World War II, when the CIA’s precursor injected fake stories into a compliant press. Operation Mockingbird continues today, according to Shipp. Its task of controlling what the public thinks is now easier, thanks to the media’s consolidation into six mega-corporations. After the war, the CIA’s Operation Paperclip brought top Nazi scientists to the United States. The story of Nazi missile scientists working for NASA is well-known. However, the public is unaware of the Nazi doctors who were paid by the CIA to conduct medical experiments on humans in the United States. These experiments led to Project MK-Ultra, a systematic method of torturing people (especially children) with the stated goal of “controlling an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will – and even against such fundamental laws of nature as self-preservation.”

Within hours of Out of Shadows appearing on YouTube, Q posted high praise of it, calling it “best documentary of the year.” Q’s post undoubtedly contributed to the huge surge of people watching, sharing, and commenting on the film. The millions of people who follow Q resonate with the film’s theme. They understand the necessity of breaking through fake narratives imposed by a criminal elite, in order to find the truth. (Note: If you are new to Q, please read my articles “An Introduction to Q” and “Q: The Silent War Continues.”)

A leading Q analyst appears in the film to tell the devastating personal consequences of her investigations into these matters. Liz Crokin was a longtime respected journalist until she began probing into the Podesta emails. She suffered professional ostracism, harassment and stalking, and speaks to us from an undisclosed location.

Liz shares her insights into the Podesta emails, which she says contain weirdly coded communications between John Podesta, former Chief of Staff to President Clinton and chairman of Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, and other powerful people. Examples: “The realtor found a handkerchief (I think it has a map that seems pizza-related. Is it yours?) and “I think Obama spent $65,000 of the tax-payers money flying in pizza/dogs from Chicago for a private party at the White House not long ago, assume we are using the same channels?”

Online sleuths discovered that these strange wordings matched code language used by pedophiles. They also noticed that leading businesses, non-profits, and entertainment programs used designs that the FBI states are pedophile code symbols. The media managed to successfully divert attention from these important topics, and to mock and humiliate anyone who attempted to learn more about the elite’s involvement with children.a

Out of Shadows shines much-needed light on the darkness that permeates pop culture, targeting young people and desensitizing them to grotesque violence. Why does Katy Perry make music videos like Bon Appetit (almost 900 million views), which “celebrates” cannibalism? Why does teen favorite Billie Eilish make videos like “All The Good Girls Go To Hell,” promoting demonic abuse and destruction? Why doesn’t the media promote stories that uplift and unify us?

In the past, the media could dispel the public’s curiosity about uncomfortable topics by labeling them “conspiracy theories.” In fact, as the film explains, the term “conspiracy theory” was employed by the CIA to ward off investigations that dug too deeply into President Kennedy’s assassination.

However, times are changing, and these bully tactics may no longer work. The life-or-death issues posed by the corona virus have lent new urgency to the public’s complex task of figuring out whom we can trust. The instant success of Out of Shadows indicates that the public is ready to learn the elite’s darkest secrets.

Another sign of the public’s growing disillusionment with the media is the surprise success of Hoaxed, Mike Cernovich’s documentary about fake news, whose theme is “Everything they told you is a lie.” Amazon recently deleted Hoaxed with no explanation, and even removed it from the devices of people who had purchased it. Yet, Hoaxed surged into the best-seller lists, and is now the second best-selling documentary of all time.

And, in a hopeful development, the public just won a massive revolt against Microsoft, after it debuted an ad featuring Marina Abramovic, an “artist” specializing in Satanic rituals. Out of Shadows examines Abramovic, who appears in the Podesta emails hosting “spirit cooking” dinners, and who routinely presides over cannibal-themed gatherings for Hollywood celebrities. The blowback against Abramovic’s ad was so disastrous that Microsoft deleted it the next day.

Out of Shadows ends with the thought-provoking maxim, “The truth is learned, never told.” If we’re going to get through this difficult time, we’ll need to penetrate the lies and unveil the truth. As Q recently urged us, “Think for yourself. Trust yourself.”

To see Out of Shadows for free, go to
To read Q’s archived posts, go to

April 18, 2020
Q Praises Shocking Out of Shadows Documentary and Millions Watch it
By Deborah Franklin

Let me close with a few observations.

Private sector people in every country pay for every government’s activity one way or another. The method of collection is the only thing that varies. In this country filing an income tax form is the method of collection. Government employees are paid tax dollars to implement the government’s objectives. Teachers, law enforcement officials, and judges are government employees; incorrectly called civil servants. There are more teachers engaging in propaganda than in any other government group.

People in the entertainment industry are also government employees, but they are never seen as government employees. Movie industry’s employees along with tens of thousands of television’s employees are the highest paid propagandists. No foreign country ever paid their propagandists as much as the XVI Amendments pays ours.

NOTE: The United Nations is not a government, yet the U.N. sends American tax dollars to Hollywood and television to produce anti-America propaganda.


QUESTION: How many Hollywood and television propagandists since the end of WWII emulated Goebbels rather than Bernays?

The essence of propaganda consists in winning people over to an idea so sincerely, so vitally, that in the end they succumb to it utterly and can never again escape from it. Joseph Goebbels

It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion.
Joseph Goebbels

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State. Joseph Goebbels
in the end times, truth will be laid bare, and each person must choose their path in full knowlege.

we are witnessing many condemn their own immortal souls, right here on this forum, continuing to push lies, while knowing the truth.

and yeah, that was a joke about pelosi. lol.
It is magnificent to see President Trump call for a complete and total shutdown of U.S. funding of the World Health Organization until we can figure out what the hell is going on. Now he must do the same for the whole United Nations behemoth.

Trump pulling out of the WHO gets a thumps up:

Trump’s justification for pulling out gets two thumps down:

President Donald Trump on Friday announced at the White House that the United States would terminate its relationship with the World Health Organization.

The president said that Chinese officials failed to report details of the coronavirus properly to the World Health Organization (WHO) and pressured the organization to mislead the world about the its dangers.

“Countless lives have been taken and profound economic hardship has been inflicted all around the globe,” he said.

Trump said that the WHO failed to act on reforms that the United States had demanded, prompting his decision to end America’s role with the organization.

“We have detailed the reforms that it must make and engage with them directly, but they have refused to act,” he said.

Trump said that the United States would use the hundreds of millions previously sent to the WHO to other international aid programs.

“The world needs answers from China on the virus,” Trump says. “We must have transparency.”

He noted that Chinese officials shut off people from leaving Wuhan during the peak of the coronavirus pandemic to other parts of China but allowed them to travel the world and spread the virus.

“The death and destruction caused by this are incalculable,” Trump said. “We must have answers, not just for us, but the rest of the world.”

Donald Trump: America Terminating Relationship with World Health Organization
by Charlie Spiering
29 May 2020

Trump promoting the coronavirus scam is pure global government horseshit.
It is magnificent to see President Trump call for a complete and total shutdown of U.S. funding of the World Health Organization until we can figure out what the hell is going on.

I would only add that Trump must do the same for membership of the world until he can figure out WTH is going on - which may take some time.

We must strive for the outcome that followed America's withdrawal from the world after WW1. America first! Then Nazis, Japanese imperialists, Communists ...
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Anyone supporting ending the US's membership in the UN and also revoking the 16th Amendment should be stripped of citizenship, property, and exiled to Russia.
I would only add that Trump must do the same for membership of the world until he can figure out WTH is going on - which may take some time.

We must strive for the outcome that followed America's withdrawal from the world after WW1. America first! Then Nazis, Japanese imperialists, Communists ...

To Tranquillus in Exile: At the end of WWI productive Americans wanted to withdraw from international adventurism.

For the record, Woodrow Wilson made:

. . . the World “Safe for Democracy”: Woodrow Wilson Asks for War

NOTE: Democrat parasites are close to transforming this country into a democracy.

At the end of Woodrow Wilson’s war, the world got the failed League of Nations, internationalism, Nazi Germany, Soviet Communism, WWII, a worldwide Parasite Class,

the U.S. military fighting two wars for the United Nations —— Korea and Afghanistan —— the New World Order, United Nations treaties instead of what they had:

Commerce with all nations, alliance with none, should be our motto. Thomas Jefferson

What else will you strive for?